Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and also assume thereby the difference between a cow herder , and a student of his or whatever
2 Thankfully the brawl between Arsenal and Norwich City players at the end of last Saturday 's match at Highbury was a rarity ; hence all the fuss .
3 It is necessary to handle properly the relations between the central and the local authorities . ’
4 To appreciate properly the difference between a winter which the majority of people experience and the kind with which the people in the high Pennines have to cope , you need a bird's-eye view .
5 Here the ‘ glory ’ is presumably the stage between long gone youth and death as the poet is at this point on his ‘ deathbed ’ .
6 In the inflationary expansion one might expect that eventually the symmetry between the forces would be broken , just as supercooled water always freezes in the end .
7 Eventually the contest between the new Governor and the man he had replaced became violent : Balboa and four of his colleagues , summoned from their Pacific base to discuss ‘ matters of common concern ’ with Pedrarias , were instead arrested .
8 Henceforward the split between the Teller and Oppenheimer camps in the scientific community became total .
9 Displaying a throwing arm reminiscent of Babe Ruth , he led the block into battle knowing instinctively the line between harmless frivolity and time to stand on his dignity .
10 Bourdieu 's own analysis of politics , however , stresses rather the division between the ‘ knows ’ and the ‘ do n't knows ’ , in relation to the pressure put on the general public to have an informed opinion on often very distant issues ( 1984 : 397–465 ) .
11 Consideration was then given to the requirements of the formal systems model , eg the relationships between the system components ( taken in this case to be information flows ) , the resources needed for the system to operate , and how the system would be regulated and controlled .
12 Despite the image of the inward-turned family , however , wider kinship connections continue to be important , especially the relationship between parents and older children who no longer live with them .
13 As we shall see shortly , many of these themes ( especially the links between individual and social behaviour ) formed a central part of the Chicago School 's work in the field of urban sociology .
14 Writing this in 1757 , at the beginning of the Seven Years War , Malachi Postlethwayt may have failed to prophesy the exact sequence of war and peace , but he perceived clearly enough the interactions between war , debt and taxation which largely determined the public policy of Hanoverian England .
15 Coalitionists saw well enough the contradiction between politicians who were elected through parties and a government that was the negation of party .
16 Perhaps the relationship between academic staff and student is essentially different so that regulation is required .
17 Perhaps the differences between the men were what caused their plans to eventually fall apart , but I think it was a combination of Cassius 's selfishness , Brutus 's nobility , and extremely bad luck which finally finished off the conspirators .
18 He could , Dalgliesh thought , have been judged an outstandingly handsome man were it not for a certain incongruity of feature , perhaps the contrast between the fineness of the skin stretched over the flat cheekbones and the strong jutting jaw and uncompromising mouth .
19 Perhaps the distinction between the response of the criminal law to a request that treatment be ended and to ( figuratively ) taking a knife to the patient rests on four basic and interrelated premisses .
20 Obviously the gap between the two has grown through time .
21 I thought he was all right , but I did n't think he was all that powerful , although I do believe in chemistry and obviously the chemistry between him and Bowie was magic — undeniably magic .
22 So the link between voting and paying for local services has been broken .
23 Although it stands as an important account of new anthropological theory and purports to throw a revealing light on the social organisation of Balinese society , its carefully organised narrative is also a good story arranged so the shifts between Geertz 's account of his gradual development as an aficionado of cockfighting and the development of his theory of the social significance of this sport merge .
24 So the distances between the work areas are crucial : each side of the work triangle should be between 1250 and 2150 mm ( 4–7 ft ) .
25 So the lines between them stayed hot .
26 It must , therefore , exchange goods and services with other groups , and so the relationship between social groups is one of reciprocity .
27 Even so the struggle between the plant eaters and their predators was frequently finely balanced .
28 As the productive forces develop so the struggle between classes intensifies .
29 It also has a higher actual mortality , because it looks after its patients less well , and so the SMR between the two ICUs will reveal little difference .
30 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
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