Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] some other " in BNC.

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1 Mr Rochester himself knew she was not perfect , but he was clearly preparing to marry her , perhaps because she was of good family , perhaps for some other reason .
2 Together with some other clients we took the owner to court but he escaped to Spain . ’
3 This last sign , although not of diagnostic significance here , is nevertheless of some interest and we shall return to it , together with some other features of Hoccleve 's mental state , in Chapter 10 .
4 This is apparent , for example , in the view that identifies determinism as the thesis that every event , together with some other event , is an instance of a natural law , so that there is a law-like connection holding between each event under some description or other , and another event .
5 Together with some other Christian communities , we had bought some land outside the city and some 300 families went to live and farm there , It was called " El Paraiso " and was organized as a co-operative with all the work and profits shared , It was my idea of a truly authentic community .
6 These paragraphs are reproduced in Appendix I ( p.248 ) to this document , together with some other relevant paragraphs .
7 On privatization , the government on 23 July backtracked on a proposal it had announced on July 13 for the creation of two large holding companies to combine Italy 's four main industrial and financial state concerns , together with some other interests at present controlled by the Treasury , in order to facilitate privatization .
8 In the first two years , students take courses in molecular , cell , and organism biology , together with some other subjects including Chemistry .
9 If there was a very large output , perhaps from some other part of the world , and buyers would offer only a lower price , such as £110 per tonne , the EEC either paid their farmers the difference , of £16 , or bought the surplus grain and stored it for future use .
10 This effectively gives a much smaller ‘ weight ’ to reference resolution than to other parts of the system ; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect , such as an alternation of word senses .
11 A right of conscientious objection to military service , and perhaps to some other legal duties , combines a political pursuit of goals which may be justified by their contribution to a valid conception of the good with a refusal to ram that conception down the throats of people who are deeply opposed to it .
12 It is important not to be rushed into taking a test merely because of a request to do so by some other person or organisation .
13 The ‘ authoritarian populism ’ of the 1980s , the corporatism of the 1960s and 1970s or presumably of some other form of nationalism in the 1990s are simultaneously a product of both capitalist social relations and the instinctive support which people , especially those least certain of their and their family 's future , give to parliaments and their leaders .
14 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
15 Semi-Vowel A gliding sound in which the speech organs start at or near a " close " vowel and immediately move away to some other vowel ( or occasionally to some other sound of equal or greater prominence , such as syllabic /I/ ) .
16 Most studies focus on school achievement , but this may be misleading because there is evidence to suggest that Afro-Caribbean and Asian students are more likely than white students to stay on in further education and some do manage to obtain academic qualifications that had eluded them at school ( Craft and Craft , 1983 ) , while one investigation suggests that young black people in inner city areas had gained better academic qualifications than white youth in the same areas ( Roberts , Duggan and Noble , 1983 ) , a finding borne out more generally by some other studies ( Brown , 1984 ) .
17 Put it on the floor of the car behind a front seat , wedged upright with some other shopping to stop it falling over .
18 Whilst there is a shortage of teachers in the UK , there is currently an oversupply in some other member states of the European Community — in Belgium , in the Federal Republic of Germany , Greece , Ireland , Italy , Luxembourg and Spain .
19 Again we have seen only too clearly in some other countries what can happen if you personify and almost deify the State .
20 Therefore , I want to deal mainly with some other aspects of foreign policy .
21 ( Interest rate ceilings have persisted until now in some other countries , including Canada , the United States , Belgium and France . )
22 On the semantic level , thirdly , it has been observed that even though infinitives have no endings for person or number , they do have " a reference to some subject … ; though their grammatical dependence connects them frequently with some other term " ( Brown 1884 : 337 ) .
23 How was I to know it would give her a heart attack when it reacted unfavourably with some other medicine she was taking/ I only meant to give her a bit of discomfort .
24 She could lose herself in a place like this ; if not in the valley itself , then in some other part of the region .
25 While Fleury and Harry exchanged a glance of shock and bewilderment at the unfortunate turn the tea party had suddenly taken , an effervescent mass detached itself from one of her breasts , which was revealed to be the shape of a plump carp , then from one of her diamond knee-caps , then an ebony avalanche thundered from her spine down over her buttocks , then from some other part of her .
26 The Havelok text ( Bodleian MS Laud Misc 108 ) is one of those sources that has been traditionally thought to be the work of an Anglo-Norman scribe ( Sisam , 1915 ) on the grounds that the spelling is highly variable in the respects specified by Skeat and indeed in some other respects also .
27 Martin Parr spoke to Terence Rigby , then to some other men , then rang to speak to Jessica , twenty minutes after she had left .
28 ( In this respect , Village differs markedly from some other Scottish communities included in this study , where informants made much more mention of the possible demographic and economic effects of school closure . )
29 Thirty years on , English is a large and entrenched subject , and there is no likelihood of putting the clock back , and starting again in some other way : my proposal for a division between Cultural Studies and a degree in poetry is a pragmatic proposal for a way out of current difficulties .
30 That would give him a week 's grace at least , and then he 'd do the same thing again in some other place to stay untraceable .
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