Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine now that a customer of an individual bank applies successfully for an overdraft .
2 Local hire is possible for those on shore holidays who can go ‘ there and back ’ , and just wish to potter locally for an hour or two .
3 The Nazi-imposed rules for managing the Kindertransporte were made more restrictive in early 1939 , presumably as an attempt to disguise from decent citizens what was being perpetrated in their name .
4 David Booth took 30 seconds to give them the lead , taking advantage of a defender 's clearance which deflected freakishly off an onrushing forward and into his path .
5 There is an alternative , more optimistic view that some people in education are expressing , which sees the current changes as somewhere between an irrelevance and a minor irritation in terms of their own aims and practices .
6 You can get treatment for drug dependence , mostly as an outpatient .
7 You can get treatment for drug dependence , mostly as an outpatient .
8 I think things have changed quite dramatically in the last few years certainly , we admit very few people and we see them mostly as an outpatient .
9 In Woolwich 's case the main authorities are set out chronologically as an appendix and I find it convenient to deal with them in that order and to describe the principle above referred to as ‘ the Woolwich principle . ’
10 In the 1930s , when the Japanese perceived that the Americans , British , Chinese and Dutch , were threatening their supplies of oil and raw materials they coined the term ‘ ABCD encirclement ’ , and used it eventually as an excuse to start the Pacific War .
11 This was interpreted locally as an endorsement of the plans of President Alberto Keinya Fujimori to return the country to formal democratic rule following his army-backed presidential coup on April 5 [ see pp. 38846-47 ] .
12 Lewis drove and hooked stylishly for an hour when opportunity offered , before Cairns showed the close fieldsmen how to do it by taking a superb diving catch at gully .
13 The Commander rubbed his chin vigorously as an aid to thought .
14 These perceived injustices led the trade union and labour movement to campaign vigorously for an end to the insurance system and for a single universal , Exchequer-funded scheme to cover all forms of primary care .
15 But the timber of woodlands always has a claim to be treated as a commercial crop , and though the making of a tree preservation order does not necessarily involve the owner in any financial loss ( isolated trees or groups of trees are usually planted expressly as an amenity ) , there are occasions when it does .
16 ACE exists predominantly as an ectoenzyme of vascular endothelial cells and plays a key part in the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems by activating angiotensin I into angiotensin II and inactivating bradykinin .
17 It reaches rivers only after passing slowly through an aquifer .
18 Second , there is something right about an argument which holds , as does the argument from error , that for the very same sort of reason that you do n't know you are not a brain in a vat , you do n't know , e.g. , that The Times will be published tomorrow , nor whether you are sitting reading .
19 Many writers , at first , feel frustrated and dissatisfied with this aspect of their work , rather as an archer does when he is learning to hit a moving target .
20 I see it rather as an actor 's bag of tricks , and not a very apposite one for the role .
21 This functionalist style views law not as a phenomenon which exists on an altogether different plane to government but rather as an instrument which is part of the apparatus of government .
22 Not only was the value of education and health to economic growth seriously questioned but fears were being expressed that high public expenditure in these areas was acting rather as an obstacle to economic growth .
23 Gramsci saw the dichotomy between the two not as a centre-periphery relationship but rather as an aspect of the way in which the interests of monopoly capital used the state to keep the undeveloped areas repressed and passive ; Gramsci describes the south variously as ‘ a semi-colonial market ’ , a ‘ source of savings and taxes ’ and a ‘ pool of cheap docile reserve labour ’ .
24 Anorexia nervosa is fundamentally about an identity crisis .
25 The 44-year-old star watched little Christina battle for life thankfully successfully after an operation for a hole in her heart .
26 Or maybe you have a desire to ‘ expose ’ yourself in some way — perhaps as an artist or politician — but are blocking yourself through fear of humiliation or rejection ?
27 In the opening passages , print and adornment was kept to a minimum , excepting the occasional abstract leaf motif appliqued perhaps as an elbow patch .
28 So Moore 's method can hardly allow us to attach any intrinsic value to education at all ; its value must be that of a means to other things or perhaps as an element in some larger whole of value .
29 There is no more evidence for these suggestions , however , than for the possible suggestion that the office was largely honorary and created ad hominem for Molla Fenari , perhaps as an inducement to return from Karaman or as an additional honour when he did return .
30 She was thinking that the girl might have lacked an umbilicus ; might have come straight from the hand of God , who having finished making the mountains had picked a bit of clay from under his thumbnail and fashioned just one more sort of person , perhaps as an experiment .
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