Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before reaching the top of the road , take the track right through woods to a track crossroads .
2 Such ambiguities are not unique to Tanzania but run right through relationships between development agencies and African governments .
3 ( a ) Return along Church Way to High Street and take path opposite and slightly to right through gates of Manor Farm .
4 In 2 million square miles of ocean , and stretching wider than the continental United States of America , Indonesia 's geographical , legal and linguistic complexities have kept most of her , even today , effectively off limits to all but the most stubborn foreign travellers .
5 Second , the NHS would focus more on acute hospital care ; thus chronically sick patients , who lack media appeal and who have never been able to compete successfully for resources within the NHS , would have a substantial part of their budgets protected within the proposed community care grant .
6 Britain is a late runner in the modern tramway stakes , although such systems have been operating successfully for years in Continental cities .
7 There are n't many opportunities left locally for girls with good 0-levels .
8 Born and brought up in the area , unlike other members of the group who had lived locally for Periods of one to seven years .
9 How to find an agency : Look locally for ads in health clinics , doctors ' surgeries , shop windows , or check in the telephone directory .
10 Er check locally for claims of environmentally or sustainable tropical hardwood it 's not really , I mean I do look when I go to all these D I Y places to see what they 've got .
11 And when he made history , he did so by speaking , mostly for members of his own line and for close collaterals .
12 Six weeks ago , life was going swimmingly for holders of BM Group .
13 The practising teacher or school librarian does not have time to go leisurely through pages of details which are poorly printed on A4 which are folded and tucked in an envelope with a disk .
14 We looked at each other wide-eyed , confused by an alien etiquette , and for a moment I was lost somewhere between memories of SamanĂ¡ and Graham Greeneland .
15 We are therefore the inheritors of this tradition whereby expertise , being concentrated , has accrued to the point now where technology allied with pedagogy can provide quite powerfully for children in need , in whatever their setting .
16 Strip grazing is used widely for cattle on kale , but is less popular with mixed stock or sheep on grass .
17 As expected , I found Prince Charles very easy to talk with and we had quite an informal chat , mostly about boats of course , before I stepped backwards along the red carpet with my medal pinned on .
18 More than 100 people were thought to have been killed in faction fighting in Natal and in townships around Johannesburg during March , mostly between supporters of the ANC and of Inkatha but also involving the security forces .
19 He has to decide whether he should stay on pending a full trial of the bitter dispute between the two men , who stood side-by-side as saviours of the financially troubled club in 1991 .
20 Most have long disappeared ; many of those left have been pressed into service as gateposts on farms , or blacken slowly as lintels over fireplaces .
21 The Bill provided additionally for fees for appeals but this was dropped in the face of widespread objections from both sides of the House .
22 It is clear to all that precious blood has been shed foolishly or even criminally for purposes of prestige alone .
23 Blood and urine were collected stimultaneously for assessments in the laboratory .
24 There are also records of fights between individual spectators and more rarely between groups of spectators .
25 Such changes enabled junior partners to be taken on without initial capital contributions and to buy their way in effectively through restrictions on their drawings .
26 D-T fusion reactions take place predominantly between particles with spins parallel to the magnetic field .
27 NOTHING went right for Quakers from the moment that skipper Kevan Smith lost the toss at Plainmoor .
28 She was encouraged to study education , anthropology and African religion besides " doing a little about missions in the Third World " .
29 Boussena 's tour coincided with a series of visits by Sa'adoun Hammadi , Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister , to Kuwait , Qatar , Saudi Arabia and the UAE , during which he pressed vigorously for cuts in production to be implemented .
30 The aim is that the open services standards should help service providers to deliver the same types of remote services cost-effectively for systems in a network as are available for centralised systems .
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