Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] back to " in BNC.

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1 When the shepherd eventually limped back to civilisation and told his unlikely tale , the authorities located the treasure and imprisoned the shepherd for theft .
2 They gamely fought back to 27-20 with a Rob Myler try 10 minutes from time .
3 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
4 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
5 I eventually got back to the switchboard and asked for the neurosurgical bed manager .
6 We eventually got back to our campsite at around 5.00pm .
7 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
8 The needle moves to its usual place but does not stay there ; it slowly drops back to zero .
9 The director duly reported back to base camp that Douglas had rejected every concession he had made in order to get him to accept the part .
10 ‘ When Masklin comes back , he 's going to have somewhere to come back to . ’
11 You 'd better hustle back to the stand , pronto !
12 We then elected to stay on and opened up those two houses ( Bombay Burma ) for thirty officers who had been turned out of hospital from the fighting lower down , and Pop opened up St Michael 's school for about eighty soldiers until they were fit enough to go back to duty .
13 The baby was strong enough to go back to Riverstown with a monthly nurse after six weeks and he was duly baptized a Protestant in the Church of Ireland in Naas .
14 Shop manager , Jim Willcock 's been allowed home from hospital , but he 's not well enough to go back to the co-op in Cam .
15 oh about six weeks I think he was on er and then he decided he was well enough to go back to his
16 3 Stir in the peanut butter and gently bring back to the boil until the sauce thickens and goes glossy and smooth .
17 If I can only think back to that precise moment , and recover all the necessary ambient data , I 'll be able to figure it out for myself .
18 When they broke for lunch she left the stage very quickly , anxious only to go back to her room .
19 How clearly it had all come back to her — even the piping treble of her own childish voice .
20 But he above is a representative of the general tone of the interview which constantly referred back to the suspiciously ‘ instant ’ political aspects of the band .
21 ‘ I think we 'd better head back to a city , you know .
22 Nicholas says his delayed return — he was released last Novemebr , but only came back to Britain a fortnight ago — was due to difficulties in getting back his passport from the Goan authorities .
23 Here , we can perhaps refer back to the discussion of graduate employment presented early in the chapter .
24 The days of smoking a pipe suddenly came back to him , and he realized that he was biting down on his own teeth .
25 The proper equipment makes the whole operation far easier and safer , and encourages instructors to practise those exercises which can so often result in a long walk back to the launch point .
26 However , the exhibition does not necessarily refer back to the previous event , and there is hardly ever a sense of continuing from where the previous exhibition left off .
27 For the first time in this long climb back to their fortune he began to feel a sort of panic .
28 There was no one about in the woods , so she 'd better hurry back to the town as fast as she could .
29 One of the most popular slogans suggests that we need only look back to ‘ Before the War ’ in order to reach the solid ground of tradition and stability .
30 We have only to look back to the debates about language across the curriculum to remember the puerile arguments over whose responsibility it was to teach language skills .
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