Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout his reign of seventeen years , John 's empire was constantly threatened from beyond its borders .
2 She sank down , hugging her sides , praying that Tom , Amos and Oseri would n't suddenly appear from behind a boulder or a fold in the hillside .
3 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
4 You will be able to see the lush green streamer weed swaying in the current , and if you look carefully , letting your eyes adjust to the movement of the current and weed , preferably with the use of polaroid spectacles , you may see one or more black shapes that suddenly emerge from under the green ribbon , hover for a few seconds in the open water and then just as suddenly disappear back into the weed .
5 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
6 The woman 's hands suddenly appeared from beneath her cloak .
7 He also said he had long fought from within the shadow cabinet for a change in Euro policies .
8 So we 're left with absolutely riveting ‘ highlights ’ such as players spitting and balls being brilliantly retrieved from behind advertising hoardings .
9 Harris ( 1982 : 52 ) points out , for instance , that the occurrence of self with the infinitive reveals the existence of what he calls a " subject " , so that , in transformational terms , " To hate oneself is unwise can only come from For one to hate oneself is unwise " .
10 If there is to be change and development in a person 's life , it can only come from within the individual .
11 The cuistots , three or four to a company , were generally selected from among the elderly , the poor shots and the poor soldiers .
12 A relatively static subject like this is best shot from off a tripod which would enable you to keep well back and work the zoom towards the telephoto end of the range for close-ups without risking spoiling your shots through camera-shake .
13 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
14 Her prosecutor was looking at her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
15 The examining officer in a scrutiny is a member of the department in which it is to take place , not a member of the central unit , and is normally appointed from within the department .
16 Chris Novoselic ambled up to say ‘ hi ’ and bemoan a chronic hangover — the inevitable punishment for a late-night sesh with support band Teenage Fanclub — and Dave Grohl soon emerged from down the rampway that led to the sun-baked arena , all smiles as ever .
17 The the bulk of them erm I think almost without exception are erm in adjoining districts , around York , the significant contribution from York that we identified in the Greater York study , erm largely comes from from windfill windfall sites , by and large .
18 They are convinced anti-Diana stories are being deliberately leaked from within the Palace as part of an undercover slur campaign .
19 In other words , the singularities produced by gravitational collapse occur only in places , like black holes , where they are decently hidden from outside view by an event horizon .
20 Prices usually range from between £30-£40 for a single treatment — call for your nearest therapist .
21 And the other thing is , is that all the air that is within the building is directly supplied from outside the building and is then extracted extracted to the exterior of the building .
22 Judges in the Court of Appeal are usually appointed from amongst High Court judges and Law Lords from amongst Appeal Court judges .
23 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
24 Much of its business still comes from within Daimler itself .
25 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
26 er I think a couple of things : first of all , the detail programme ; the government will have to produce for the forthcoming World Climate Conference in October/November , er the way in which they 're going to reach their target and secondly that will also discuss from amongst all the countries , what the target should be .
27 More mortgages are probably lent from within 30 miles of this city centre than anywhere else in the country .
28 If the latter , they probably came from across the seas .
29 The origins of this view probably came from within the Board of Education under Morant who , together with his assistants , desired to bridge the gap between education and industry so as to create a ‘ balanced culture for the masses ’ with the schools providing pupils with ‘ meaning for the work they did with their hands ’ .
30 A letter is also enclosed from on behalf of the Gymnaestrada team .
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