Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 Widely commended for its environmental stance in Europe , the same standards have not been applied in the company 's operations in Ecuador , where roads were driven into virgin forests , rivers were so badly polluted that they caught fire , fish were dynamited and local people forced off their lands .
2 Police need little reminding that they have to find a very brutal and sick man fast .
3 While Mills and Boon themselves rigorously deny that they produce ‘ formula fiction ’ , they remain unique as a publishing house .
4 Paul had laughingly explained that they had taken one small pull only at the bamboo rod , purely out of courtesy to the Moi chief , but it had gone straight to Joseph 's head .
5 The Saturday Review bitterly commented that they had ‘ framed for themselves a rule which we must characterize as both illogical and unfair — namely , of distributing their patronage so that no competitor should net more than one premium ’ .
6 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
7 It was Fred Wilton who devised the theory that if carp were offered HNV baits over a long enough period , i.e. through extensive pre-baiting , they would eventually recognise that they were good for them , and seek out these baits in preference to low protein types such as bread , worms , potatoes or , indeed , even natural food .
8 But there are other causes of bad conditions as well as overcrowding : many prisons are old and decaying , and the newer prisons have often turned out to be so badly designed that they are not a noticeable improvement .
9 Postclassical criminology embraces the relativity of criminal definitions — though without necessarily accepting that they are , or have been , as randomly selective as interactionism sometimes seemed to suggest .
10 When he is first led into her presence she is veiled ‘ but with her draperies so arranged that they emphasised rather than concealed the wonderful elegance of her tall form ’ and ‘ two plaits of glossy , raven hair ’ , each ending in a ‘ single large pearl ’ , appear beneath her veil .
11 As a standard , each track is divided into just THREE data blocks , so arranged that they are read in the order 1,3,2 as shown in Fig. 7.23 .
12 I had n't even noticed the pickets and I can only presume that they had parted before me as I walked towards them as they still do today .
13 All over the country hurt and disillusioned journalists and would-be journalists wondering why they had never received a reply could only presume that they had been rejected .
14 Maybe the Russians were screening something from him ; he could only presume that they were .
15 Blanche drove on and three hours later she was safe in Dornaway Castle , where she seemed so shaken that they put her straight to bed .
16 Several beaches have become so polluted that they are now closed .
17 In Japan ‘ Grand Champions ’ are so highly prized that they are officially made wards of court , and can not be exported from the country .
18 She suddenly realised that they were both staring at her , watching the expressions chase each other across her face .
19 He may prefer only to claim that they apply once ethical language and judgement are understood in the way he recommends .
20 They are a façade : they are confined to the most superficial aspects , and scope for real variety is so limited that they in fact quickly become clichéd , standardized , themselves .
21 Simply knowing that two people are linked in a particular genealogical relationship does not necessarily predict that they will acknowledge any responsibilities towards each other , not even whether they have actually kept in contact at a minimal level .
22 It had n't taken her long to discover that they had nothing whatsoever in common .
23 Congestions ; they feel so oppressed that they want the window open , especially at night .
24 This would be possible , Lenin believed , because the majority of state administrative functions had become so simplified that they could be ‘ reduced ’ to such simple operations as registering , filing and checking — mere routine .
25 For too long , says Ward , we have persisted in the Henry Ford myth that only a genetically privileged few can do joined-up thinking , and the rest are fit for manual tasks so simplified that they produce that brand of mind-numbing tedium which is the most fertile soil for industrial unrest .
26 Some football hooligans , the article goes on , are now so organised that they have the audacity to leave professionally printed calling cards in the pockets of their battered victims .
27 The most influential policy norm in the Maud proposals was that local government services should be so organised that they were made available on the most economic basis possible , having regard to economies of scale .
28 When people get into a stress-induced panic about their workload they may ( a ) begin to load more and more on to their own shoulders , and ( b ) feel so overwhelmed that they ca n't seem to get started .
29 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
30 ‘ Because they were clever enough to know that they could n't , ’ Jessamy said a trifle bitterly .
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