Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] you with " in BNC.

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1 In this series I hope to not only provide you with a list of the endangered animals , but also some fascinating information about each animal and the way it lives .
2 You then have to call an agency in order to obtain emergency relief , and they not only provide you with a temporary chef , but promise to send you details of all their head chefs currently seeking employment .
3 ‘ On the other hand , ’ Flittern said , folding himself onto the bench beside her , ‘ we could perhaps tempt you with a bottled rogue amorous thought , distilled at the first quarter of the moon , and salted with a spark of starlight .
4 Do n't worry , I sha n't suddenly present you with a bastard grandchild . ’
5 Whilst your forthcoming weekend will naturally provide you with the ideal opportunity to discover at first hand the delights of owning your own Highland retreat , I can assure you there is absolutely no commitment .
6 Jo and her coach , Alan Jones have been booked for the week of 11–18 April 1992 , and will be on hand daily to help you with your game , whether you 're a beginner , intermediate or advanced player .
7 I think we should perhaps provide you with some extra lessons . ’
8 Or I 'd better provide you with some paper .
9 ‘ I think I 'd better provide you with toasted teacakes as well , ’ said Amiss sympathetically .
10 If I go I will only take you with me and this bed is already warm .
11 He put out his hand towards her now but did n't touch her , saying , ‘ Do n't faint ; it wo n't help you any because I 'll only revive you with a jug of cold water and make you listen to the finish .
12 If you have upgraded to Windows 3.1 then you might not know it but Microsoft were kind enough to supply you with a free diagnostic utility — MSD ( Microsoft System Diagnostic ) .
13 ‘ Because I 've spent the last day or so watching you with other people , and frankly , Fran , it 's obvious to anyone that when you 're with me you act far differently . ’
14 I 'm in hot water over various things — nothing important enough to bore you with , but I know the director wants shot of me — he 's said as much and I 'm sure my days are numbered ; I feel like I 'm struggling to keep my head above water — Oh , I knew this particular pool was going to be deep , but he 's there waiting just above the surface to shove me under , finding some half-baked reason to be rid of me .
15 His blue eyes , which normally pierced you with their directness , were hooded and withdrawn .
16 Mars your ruling planet normally endows you with drive , but as Saturn grows nearer your energy level will decrease now how about that ?
17 Just watch it , said Jay , sipping brandy , breathing fire , I may just stomp you with my hairy great mammoth foot .
18 Just imagine you with !
19 ‘ I 'm just presenting you with the facts .
20 Qualified Teachers days are designed not just to help you with thoughts and ideas for future lessons of your own , but to expand and develop your knowledge and understanding of Medau , and , with that , we also hope you have an enjoyable social day .
21 I might do a bit of revision with you next week as well just to help you with it .
22 He has already blessed you with every spiritual blessing .
23 Supplementing flake and pellet foods with freeze-dried , frozen and fresh or live food will add to your fish 's well-being , and generally reward you with a stronger , livelier , more colourful and more readily-bred fish .
24 I do n't want to be morbid , my lovely , or for you to think that I 'm just seducing you with promises in order to take what I want .
25 But as I am reflecting now , let me just leave you with this thought about morale .
26 Coca-Cola cup to Blackpool which does n't exactly fill you with confidence .
27 Elaine just left you with us — and disappeared .
28 I always receive you with a grateful heart .
29 They are greedy for Humans , the sidh , and if they can once trap you with their music they will carry you down to the caves beneath the sea and steal one of your five senses and tear out your soul . ’
30 Wh did the when you were erm still shovelling , did they ever provide you with better equipment ?
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