Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] out that " in BNC.

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1 It has also been acutely pointed out that the title ‘ philhellene ’ , which was perhaps first given to Alexander I by writers of the fourth century , actually implies a denial that he was Greek .
2 Holyoak gleefully points out that architect Tony Ridell , of Chapman Taylor Partners , has , rather unfortunately , described The Galleries as ‘ a huge aircraft carrier settled on the streetscape of the city ’ .
3 The OPCS rightly pointed out that their disability survey covered a wide spectrum of incapacity and that ‘ sweeping conclusions ’ about dependency should be avoided .
4 Whilst it has been made clear that in this group both men and women assume caring roles , feminists have rightly pointed out that some of the dilemmas and problems are worse for women , not least because social conventions have not ascribed the same significance to employment for women as for men .
5 It has been rightly pointed out that a quick ball from such a scrum does not necessarily lead to a running game and that the centre of the field , already bustling with activity due to the increased fitness and range of the modern player , would be clogged up with roaming loose forwards relieved of scrummage duties .
6 Handy ( 1990 ) was slightly disappointed by their work but rightly pointed out that an appreciation of the complexities of human nature and its motivation could be gained from it .
7 To begin with , I pay tribute to an intervention made by the hon. Member for Wolverhampton , South-West ( Mr. Budgen ) who , earlier today , rightly pointed out that in a democracy Parliament should be expected to debate a measure such as this in a sane and sensible fashion .
8 He merely points out that his theory is consistent with it .
9 Long points out that in native speaker/non-native speaker ( NS/NNS ) interactions , both participants collaborate in recipient design by employing strategies for negotiating meaning .
10 Glaxo rightly points out that Astra used very high levels of ranitidine , several hundred times the normal human intake and far greater than the doses of omeprazole Astra fed to rats .
11 Des Smith ( ‘ Forgotten innocents ’ , 20 March ) rightly points out that the conditions of the Guatemalan refugees have been largely ignored by the world 's media .
12 ‘ My wife rightly points out that I 've never been in a ladies ' loo in my life .
13 King rightly points out that a scheme which is intended to weed out poor teachers is not necessarily the best to engender the trust and confidence required to develop the work of teachers .
14 He rightly points out that the subject of the active clause must preserve the impersonality we normally associate with passive structures in many European languages .
15 The draft PPG Note rightly points out that existing coastal defence policies are not always the cheapest option .
16 He rightly points out that — apart from Brent , which has no overall control , and Tower Hamlets , which is controlled by the Liberal Democrats — the 10 authorities with the highest percentage of empties in their stock are Labour controlled , and about 20,000 properties have been left empty for more than a year .
17 It is a document about the Labour party 's policy attitudes and it rightly points out that more than half of Labour Members have either recently belonged to or still belong to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
18 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
19 At one point a uniform sergeant listening to me discuss some tactic , gloomily pointed out that my style was not theirs ; but then , he rationalized , ‘ how could it be , you 're from the north side of the river ’ .
20 We are indeed living in the past , we who foolishly cry out that the past is dead …
21 I went to the bookies to put a bet on it , only to find out that the odds had shortened to 14–1 .
22 It did not take Creggan long to work out that the Men could n't reach him .
23 It did not take her long to work out that the meal was going to cost her considerably more than she 'd saved by spending a rather miserable night in rue Roland .
24 ‘ Well , if your managing director is such a hot-shot , you 'd better watch out that he does n't want to pinch your job ! ’
25 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
26 When , not long before his execution , he passed comment on the mass-murder of the Nazi camps , it was only to point out that there were problems in supply and control during the last days of the Third Reich .
27 It is not enough only to point out that female choice might favour a bizarre male trait ; if the trait is deleterious , one must also explain why the female preference is not then selected against , for the females will produce sons with the bizarre trait .
28 I am not complaining , only pointing out that it makes a difference to the tone of a campaign .
29 ( This is not meant to be a criticism , for I doubt whether we can work effectively without such things ; it is merely to point out that modernity enters the church far more easily than the church enters modernity . )
30 I say this not as any kind of boring Hemingway boast , merely to point out that if you are having trouble conceiving , my advice to you would be to rush out and buy a pair of green suede baby shoes .
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