Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
2 The most stupefying performance , however , came from Cecilia Gasdia , a voice of evidently limited power ( the second part , made up of arias , showed her physical limitations , notably in ‘ D'amor al dolce impero ’ from Tancredi ) , but her dash , her sinewy vocalization , her miraculous phrasing , the skill with which she marshalled the resources of her voice , all conspired to make the first half ( La Separazione , Mi lagnerò tacendo , Bolero above all ) a miraculous experience .
3 Now schools can ‘ opt out ’ from local authority control , so that the people who care most about children 's futures — especially parents and teachers — are together empowered to make the key decisions .
4 A true mystical experience is not only intended to make the adept less egotistic but it should also make him more alert and help him to function better .
5 She only needs to make a token 1500 metres or 3,000 metres appearance in the main trials meeting , in Birmingham on June 27 and 28 , to claim her Olympic team place alongside world champion Liz McColgan .
6 UEFA is unlikely to reduce a punishment apparently designed to make the Dutch authorities , civil as well as sporting , take hooliganism as seriously as the British have been obliged to .
7 I merely want to make the limited point that many of these students — who may be highly intelligent — do not have the existing familiarity with poetry , not to mention the general knowledge and cultural literacy , that would enable them to engage as equals in genuinely critical discussion .
8 It may also be that such employers were , at least in the early 1970s , less prepared to make the organizational adjustments which make it feasible for mothers to combine paid work with responsibility for young children .
9 Virgin had long struggled to make an inroad into the American market .
10 Here it is important to note that , despite the burden of many of the choices we can now make , people leave themselves with just as weighty a problem by refusing to recognize the options open to them , either putting themselves too easily in other people 's hands or not allowing themselves enough space to make an informed choice .
11 With his first vote the West German elector can if he so desires make a choice solely with reference to the rival candidates ' personal qualities or their popularity .
12 It shines out like a beacon in the finished job despite all efforts to disguise it , ( efforts which only seem to make the fault worse ) .
13 This makes them move away from each other and so tends to make the star expand .
14 There was a professional choir as well as the children , and the sound of hymns being so brilliantly performed made the Foundling Hospital chapel the most popular place of worship in London .
15 That 's obviously going to make a difference to you , ’ he commented : ‘ Well , it 's marvellous to have a lot of support ’ .
16 These kinds of problems lead to difficulties in keeping everything indexed and in the right order , and that is obviously going to make the whole thing farcical sometimes from the children 's point of view .
17 What did you expect to gain from coming here , Fran — that I might suddenly decide to make a full confession ? ’
18 No politician , whether a great magnate intent on retaining a traditional dominance in his region , a minister of the crown seeking favourable returns for his administration , or a landowner merely wishing to make a good figure in his own county , could manage without access to patronage with which to reward his friends ' loyalty by helping them in their times of need .
19 A hole in the mattress yielded enough stuffing to make a pillow , and Sarah lined the bottom of the box with it .
20 I only started to make the links when the dampness started to affect my mental health .
21 One eccentric old git ( who ‘ changed his appearance ’ every five or six years , handily enough ) , a string of daft ‘ assistants ’ , enough latex to make a condom for Concorde and the sort of ripping good-vs-evil yarnery that encourages grown adults to hold Dr Who conventions to this day .
22 It suddenly started to make the long-drawn-out screaming noise of bits of metal in distress .
23 It is only proposed to make a very brief reference to this complicated subject as the majority of collision cases will be referred to Head Office Claims — at least initially .
24 Thus , if pursuant to the will of X the property is vested in Y as legatee and Y subsequently sells the property for £550,000 , Y will only have made a taxable gain ( subject to the indexation allowance ) of £50,000 .
25 At that stage Transvaal were still in the running for the night series trophy and his presence would obviously have made a difference .
26 Unfortunately they are not usually repeatable , so having made a superb jumper for your mother , you will probably be unable to make one for yourself .
27 Especially when you 're making a break , so having made the .
28 It was bad enough having to make a detour around Page Street without .
29 My thanks to all of the Area Council Members who all worked to make the event the success that it was , and to Ciaran Ryan , who took time out from a series of meetings to make the presentations .
30 And Doctor Morris — a remarkable quirk in his otherwise orderly character , I may say — has always stubbornly refused to make a will .
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