Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] they [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The belt tying the skirt on drew the bodice edges in round the breasts ( if they were to be exposed ) and presumably lent them some support from the sides and from below .
2 A related question is whether each processor should execute its own programme , or if instructions from one programme should be broadcast to all processors , thereby allowing them all to execute the same programme with different data .
3 The noise of a lock operating somewhere made them both look along the companionway .
4 He eventually shared them all out .
5 While this may have appeared to solve the monarchy 's immediate problems , in the long run it only made them worse .
6 You did n't run — that only made them eager for the chase .
7 But , but the other thing about giving them a standardised test at the re , when when they first arrived with us , is when you get the parent who comes and says well how they were level five in the primary school and you 've only given them level four ?
8 ‘ It 'll only make them arrogant . ’
9 It 'll only make them worse . ’
10 The introduction of higher fees in 1956 did not solve the District 's financial problems , only make them manageable .
11 The arrival of the French colonizers a few decades later had merely given them another chance to demonstrate their indomitable spirit .
12 This news , needless to say , greatly concerned them all , Douglas and the Regent in especial .
13 Nevertheless , Japanese companies seem as willing to sell technology , or collaborate on its development , as any other firms , when doing so offers them some advantage .
14 Three o'clock found them ready and waiting , arrayed in their most festive attire .
15 The two companies broke off negotiations in December only to restart them two weeks ago .
16 He now realized with astonishment that there was apparently a part of the warren underground which was big enough to contain them all together .
17 In both Alcoa and United Shoe the courts acknowledged that the defendants had built their market shares by legal means , but none the less found them guilty because their respective dominant positions were due to conscious choice .
18 ‘ I only charged them fifty pence so we wo n't get rich on that , but it 's probably done our reputation a lot of good . ’
19 And I 'd only done them ten minutes before
20 ‘ The men were going to see some action , or ‘ have some fun ’ as they put it , and that was quite enough to render them light-hearted and care-free . ’
21 so they did n't , it only cost them thirty quid for carpet
22 So a little bit of discipline and a clip round the earhole obviously done them good .
23 How can you , when you 've only met them five minutes ago ?
24 You know , but i if we could n't , if they we as they said , if they wanted that money back tomorrow we could only give them half that money back because of what we 've got
25 And what good value it was , it was only costing them hundred and
26 The author of this memoir , while an undergraduate , once borrowed fourteen books about history from Edward Wynn and , on the way to return them , inadvertently dropped them all into the River Pem — and so is better placed than anyone to testify how good a man was Edward Wynn .
27 We 'll refer to these as hostiles , to distinguish 'em from the ordinary members , who all wear them fancy coloured robes an' do n't present any threat at all .
28 Give that to Robert , that 's for Donna so give them both to Robert but the adventure game 's for Donna .
29 See say you do n't gon na gallop five fur you did n't gallop five furlongs , well , they might think you 're gon na finish five , you only galloped 'em four .
30 I had known Willie since childhood days at Nairn , Geoffrey I had come to know later ; and while I greatly admired them both , and still do , I found this closing of establishment ranks deeply shocking .
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