Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 George Stephen remembered how as a youth he heard ‘ many a semi-domestic debate as to the extent to which parliamentary manoeuvring could be successfully carried out with the ministerial benches ’ .
2 Anyway , I eventually caught up with him in Irkutsk which is central Siberia .
3 De Chaboulon recalled : ‘ The looting delayed the enemy 's pursuit which eventually caught up with us at Quatre Bras and they fell upon our carriages .
4 Milton 's maintenance of the traditional Renaissance literary values of art , imitation , and exercise allowed him to be appropriated by a culturally elitist agenda indivisibly caught up with an elitist social and political agenda .
5 Cutting was mostly carried out with a scythe although a few were able to hire machinery for the purpose .
6 I 'd rather hang about with some tasty birds like those ones in Bananarama .
7 I 'd rather hang about with some tasty birds like those ones in Bananarama .
8 After all , who would you rather hang out with : Byron or Take That ?
9 Would n't you far rather hang out with Kylie than Bono ?
10 ‘ I think I 'd rather hang out with U2 ! ’
11 There was a burst of male laughter from the bar , which had suddenly filled up with men wearing MCC ties ; the day 's play at Lord 's would have ended just about twenty minutes ago .
12 By Saturday they had both recovered sufficiently to fall in with the rest of the company for pay parade , waiting in a long queue to collect five shillings each from the paymaster .
13 She made the marriage , without benefit of matchmakers , and he seemed happy enough to go along with it .
14 I wanted to be accepted by those around me , and so joined in with their stories of soldiering , sex and drinking prowess .
15 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
16 Carey was often discouraged and frustrated but stubbornly pressed on with his translation work , realising its vital importance in the foundation of any missionary venture .
17 Keep both legs taut and straight and gently push up with both arms .
18 If you go rushing in and you 're in a thirty and you 're doing forty five they 'll all rush in with you .
19 The smaller Gulf states had already decided that , under threat from their ex-champion Iraq , they should sensibly make up with their ex-enemy Iran .
20 I have seen the dyke before the village entirely filled up with men sitting there discussing the week 's fishing .
21 Gon na see how , per haps perhaps fits in with the other erm bits , so who 's starting off , you 're starting off are n't you ?
22 Anyway , it was a good job we did because these erm these grouse and these chickens , I mean , they were so blended in with the the , the roadside you could hardly see them , and then they moved .
23 And when Laura had protested , as she frequently had , he had merely pointed out with brutal logic , ‘ You knew I was a businessman when you married me , Laura .
24 She had only to sit back with perfect composure — something at which she was adept — and wait for him to find his way through the necessary preliminaries to the real business of this meeting .
25 Better come along with me to Father Barnes . ’
26 On Thursday we drew the whole thing together ending up with team practice and looking at the videos in the evening .
27 His physical presence was all mixed up with muddy tracks , overgrown woodland paths , rain and barbed wire fences and glasses of beer in steamy pubs .
28 Davide was still committed to preferring it to the alternatives , the vendettas , the feuds , the bloody score -these ways were for barbarians , for people like Sicilians , or Neapolitans , people whose own blood was all mixed up with Spaniards ' .
29 Few experts can beat the market in the long run , so keeping up with it is a reasonable option .
30 It 's been bad enough walking about with my insides falling out and knowing people were looking and having to keep on behaving like a healthy young virgin who 's never had anything to do with a man .
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