Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was , partly , against this background that the government decided to launch a state-sponsored newspaper to act as a unifying factor in the nation , and help in the effort to improve the quality of print journalism in the country , besides helping to bring government policy and other activities to the awareness of all citizens .
2 It was , partly , against this background that the government decided to launch a state-sponsored newspaper to act as a unifying factor in the nation , and help in the effort to improve the quality of print journalism in the country , besides helping to bring government policy and other activities to the awareness of all citizens .
3 Moreover , the section of the work-force most given to strike action showed every sign of increasing its weight both in relative and absolute terms .
4 The powerful Banking Association reportedly welcomed the treaty as an important step in improving Panama 's international image despite the fact it had successfully lobbied to preserve regulations guaranteeing banking secrecy which the USA had wanted removed .
5 ( 1 ) François Seurel , narrator , mostly sprechgesang to set scenes , describe locations and weather .
6 However , children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism , since it may have little effect on them except to confirm their worst beliefs about themselves and reduce their efforts .
7 It is that sentence the club will most want to see cut .
8 It was clearly a short-term appointment , arguably calculated to reassure members of the renamed Overseas Civil Service that , at a time when morale might falter as career opportunities shrank with the imminence of independence , at least one of them and not ‘ a Whitehall warrior ’ was at the helm .
9 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
10 ‘ And we shall eventually want to take statements from everyone — in particular , the six ladies who baked these cakes . ’
11 Furthermore , legislation expressly intended to give effect to the first stage of Economic and Monetary Union has already been enacted , following the decision of the European Council in Madrid in June 1989 that that stage should begin on 1 July 1990 .
12 By making the income and capital gains from investing in such trusts free of tax , up to a maximum amount of 6,000 a year ( 1992 ) , it is hoped that such savings will be encouraged , thereby helping to channel investment into UK industry .
13 Secondly , to stimulate employer alliances for purposes of market regulation , especially in those industries with competitive product markets as a means of regulating wages and thereby helping to stabilise market conditions .
14 The timing of when to do the turn is particularly important in anything other than in dead flat water , since the slope of even the smallest wave can be used to bank off , thereby helping to maintain speed .
15 This information should be widely publicised to raise awareness among nurse managers and others of the current position and as preparation fur the inevitable adjustments which will follow in subsequent operational plans .
16 Bridges are being built between different confessions , and a new atmosphere of mutual respect is slowly helping to find ways of overcoming what were once felt to be absolutely irreconcilable differences .
17 Both poems would require little change to make sense at any time between AD 600 and now .
18 The chief architect of the document was vice chairman Makoto Tanabe , who was widely tipped to succeed Doi as leader .
19 All being well , it will slowly qualify to make decisions upon progressively more major matters .
20 The radicals were widely expected to lose seats after a committee judging the suitability of candidates prevented about 1,000 of the 3,000 hopefuls from taking part , including several well-known radicals .
21 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
22 The new party aimed to present a viable alternative to the existing groupings but was widely expected to take part with the BNP in forming an anti-Awami League alliance .
23 He was widely expected to replace Reading striker , Quinn , but instead will play alongside him .
24 Fletcher , who , as captain , guided Essex to their first eight trophies between 1979 and 1985 , is widely expected to replace Micky Stewart at the end of this season when he retires , probably to take up a role with the TCCB .
25 NeXT has been widely expected to endorse Motorola 's 88000 RISC CPU as a matter of routine .
26 Group leaders are not ‘ mission-committed ’ to the group 's success , but rather want to maximize membership and the achievement of collective benefits for members because it expands their own patronage , power and prestige .
27 The Abbey National is the latest company to target the Chancellor as the man it most wants to replace Sir Campbell Adamson when he eventually retires as chairman .
28 He developed a strategy skilfully designed to establish intelligentsia leadership over this revolt .
29 From the middle of the 18th century writers and then artists had visited the ‘ Lakes ’ in a steadily increasing stream and jointly they slowly helped to transform public opinion from one of ‘ Salvatorian ’ horror , described by the earlier visitors , to a passionate romantic appreciation .
30 If parents are dissatisfied , they are presumably expected to exert pressure on the teacher , the school or the LEA to obtain better results , or to seek to place the child in another school .
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