Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 Was Margaret Mead ( 1935 ) right to see woman as ‘ an infinitely malleable clay figure upon which mankind has draped ever varying period-costumes ’ ?
2 This is fundamentally useless and it is amazing that anyone ever manages to get a properly aligned document as a result .
3 It 's these lectures which finally unbalance Bob Roberts , which shifts from crisp satire to stodgy tract under the sheer density of Robbins ’ disgust with US politics , losing along the way the warped rock ‘ n ’ roll and documentary trappings which give bite to the first film intelligent enough to see assassination as a career move for the victim .
4 I am only using jumping as an example .
5 It examines the disciplines which must come together to support EP as a single subject , and it offers a possible global content for a degree-level course in EP .
6 Among the pairs children learned , at least in my day , were items like black/white ( which only make sense as antonyms if you have studied physics ) , north/south ( ditto ) , day/night ( though in the context of fashion , the appropriate opposition is day/evening ) and long/short ( like old/ young , a continuum or pseudo-opposite ) .
7 His steady stream of speeches , interviews and policy interventions only make sense as a bid for the leadership .
8 But many commentators have long regarded synergy as a will-o'-the-wisp , arguing for the strategy of critical mass in selected global markets that ICI has belatedly adopted .
9 ( a ) Retirement and expulsion As explained in earlier chapters of this book , where no express provision is contained in a partnership agreement or satisfactory arrangements can not be agreed to meet the particular circumstances of the partner concerned , the Partnership Act only offers dissolution as the answer to what to do with a partner whose continued presence in the firm is unwanted by his co-partners .
10 Each of these problems is similar enough to fall under the same broad heading but distinct enough to create confusion as the problem-solving proceeds .
11 Like many others from the 1960s and before , I am fortunate that I missed the modern way and so view science as a richer and altogether more fulfilling experience .
12 Less appears to be known about whether his mood swings were severe enough to justify manic-depression as a primary diagnosis ; but Smart himself gives us some clue when he writes : ‘ For I have a greater compass of mirth and melancholy than another . ’
13 ‘ Hellenism ’ meant not only speaking Greek as the main language of communication in the eastern half of the Mediterranean , but also games , gymnasia , theatres , and the diffusion of polytheistic cult .
14 This rationalism ( I use the word here in a much wider sense than suggested by ‘ rationalism ’ as opposed to ‘ empiricism ’ ) attempts not only to use reason as a tool but to go further and make reason guarantee itself .
15 As Fig. 4 shows , the relationship , of course , is negative : the earlier women marry in a country the more are found infecund at age 20–24 years ; a clear suggestion of long lasting infecundity as a consequence of early , premature marriages and conjugal unions .
16 It worked up a fair frenzy over the Tory leadership contest , describing Herself 's terribly threatening opponent as , variously , a ‘ dotty baronet ’ ( November 29 ) ; ‘ the Bufton Tufton of the Tory back benches ’ ( November 30 ) ; and ‘ The fossil ’ ( December 1 ) .
17 It mocks the ‘ Colonel Gadaffi Appreciation Society ’ and pointedly identifies Islam as ‘ a deadly enemy of the White race ’ .
18 Knights naturally took precedence as the leading members of the class , and there is no difficulty about demonstrating that they were also the richest despite the existence of a good many whose incomes fell far short of £200 .
19 And the European Ryder Cup team and the PGA have all appointed Glenmuir as exclusive suppliers of shirts and pullovers .
20 It has long wanted recognition as a great power , especially among its Asian neighbours .
21 So when Fleischmann and Pons announced test-tube fusion as a source of energy — which was the ‘ angle ’ that the media took up and portrayed it as a clean source — the news that they apparently saw tritium as a fusion product was lost on most media , but it made many scientists concerned and others excited .
22 The evidence of psychoanalysis shows that almost every intimate emotional relation between two people which lasts for some time — marriage , friendship , the relation between parents and children — contains a sediment of feelings of aversion and hostility , which only escapes perception as a result of repression .
23 Although it would be convenient scientifically and sometimes personally to regard work as a separable part of a human life this separation is never entirely valid and can be misleading .
24 He apparently introduced Fagg as his colonel . ’
25 ( He only discussed imprisonment as the temporary incarceration of a suspect before trial .
26 It is common ground that any power to make the order sought must be found in the Act , since the English courts have no inherent jurisdiction to act in aid of a foreign court and , as a matter of English domestic law , treaties only take effect as part of that law to the extent that they are incorporated by statute , with or without modification .
27 He does n't entirely dismiss leadership as a meaningless term , however .
28 During the summer months it was possible to get a much more highly paid job as a housecleaner , a ‘ barker ’ or a bingo-caller or a taxi driver , and so the winter job of working in a factory was a ‘ stop gap ’ .
29 Assuming you are going to want to use the material as a normal part of a normal lesson , when you look at a drama you will be looking for short segments which can stand on their own sufficiently to make sense as an independent sequence .
30 Today , any share certificates they own only have worth as collectors ' items .
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