Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 The only rigour in Hennigian cladistics is produced by the straitjacket of assumptions that Hennig has fastened on himself and his version of the subject , which effectively separates it from having anything to do with evolution .
2 Bernard Coard 's How the West Indian Child is made Educationally Sub-Normal in the British School System ( 1971 ) had already given concrete expression to many black parents ' justified fears that their children were being systematically mis-classified as educationally subnormal and relegated to a ‘ special ’ education which effectively excluded them from any possibility of acquiring decent qualifications .
3 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
4 Hirsch 's formulation does not exclude the possibility of understanding literature in aesthetic terms , it merely prohibits us from claiming that this is how literature is , essentially , to be comprehended .
5 With his hands so painful , the effort of holding open the springy collar enough to slide it from round his neck made him sweat .
6 ‘ I only got it from Lewens for fifteen ! ’
7 This not only separates him from his brothers but also from God and is disastrous .
8 And if I handle all with my own hands , and keep the prince clear of it — though he knows my mind , and it is his mind , too — I do so to preserve him from harassment by those who will hear of nothing less than Owen 's head on London Bridge .
9 The bills came on the morning of the burial , and he suddenly drew them from his pocket during the service , opening them without knowing what he was doing .
10 Still not enough to tempt you from the tourist route ?
11 The traffic queue into London stretched back miles , for a sewer had collapsed in the centre of Wandsworth and gangs of workmen were tearing up the shattered road , apparently rebuilding it from scratch .
12 She caught a glimpse of a disfigured , oddly proportioned face in the depths of the shadowy hood , but this was n't enough to distract her from her purpose .
13 When it happened for a third time , it became remarkable enough to distract him from a rapt analysis of Heather 's reasoning .
14 ‘ I 've only seen it from a great distance .
15 Education can make people more productive while health can only prevent them from becoming less productive .
16 I remove the fry just before this stage ; gently syphoning them from their leaf , and then treating them as for fry hatched artificially .
17 Spending our lives in jealousy and envy can only isolate us from other people and make us unhappy .
18 But then , as I have argued earlier , there was nothing in the basic assumptions of classicism that necessarily prevented it from being equally critical .
19 ( c ) There was an additional reason for considering that there was no infringement of article 52 : the criterion of the owner 's nationality did not prevent nationals of other member states from establishing themselves in the United Kingdom to operate fishing vessels — it only prevented them from doing so under the British flag .
20 It had been Kurt who had set up the dozens of licensing deals for menswear and toiletries , bedlinen and beachwear , soft furnishings and costume jewellery , all bearing the name of Hugo Varna , which had not only saved him from bankruptcy but also made him his first million .
21 They set out towards the west , taking their direction from the sun , but the density of thorn thickets constantly drove them from their line .
22 They ‘ trapline ’ , moving directly from one food site to the next , apparently remembering them from previous days , and are fast fliers , visiting plants producing ( few ) flowers over long periods .
23 The chances are that this shyness would have naturally prevented him from attaining such a high profile … but Morrissey slipped through the net and the consequences could be devastating .
24 ( For example , by commuting a communication through PAR using 5.6 or 5.7 , one might apparently remove it from the alphabet of the corresponding process . )
25 Our clothes , living space and total environment all separated us from the outer world .
26 There are fewer elephants about up here erm and er the issue that obviously concerns me from the development point of view is the is the time scale , is the process rather , that that the planning policy would im would imply .
27 I used to watch him sleep , wondering what bloody crimes lay in his past , and knowing that I alone protected him from a horrible death .
28 He is a born teacher , who always keeps his pupil in mind , gently leads him from point to point and is always ready to anticipate his next question or objection .
29 Edward Jenner was himself a keen inoculator , but he was impressed by the apparently safer prophylactic effects of the mild natural disease of cowpox ; a zoonosis often caught by milkmaids which apparently protected them from smallpox , as he demonstrated in his paper of 1798 .
30 The general technique used for stationery decoration is to cover the flowers with a clear adhesive film , which not only protects them from damp or dirt , but also holds them in position .
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