Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 I eventually made it into the Yorkshire second XI and ultimately the first team .
2 The UK Environment Secretary , Michael Howard , announced on April 30 that the target for stabilizing carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels had been brought forward from 2005 to 2000 , thereby bringing it into line with the EC position .
3 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
4 Not necessarily — the expert fishkeeper could design a system that would take the best of all possible filtration methods and effectively combine them into a very good system .
5 For several weeks now he had been chipping away at this problem of finding Elsie , slowly nagging it into submission .
6 Turning to Omi , skilfully bringing her into the conversation , and complimenting her on the way the venison had been cooked .
7 Claims to have found new mechanisms of evolution are common in the press , but they rarely make it into respectable science journals .
8 After the surgery , told to lose 50 pounds , he duly transformed himself into a jogging optimist .
9 Mike Benton 's ideas are reminiscent of those of Tony Swain and Gillian Cooper-Driver who proposed that dinosaurs became extinct through their dietary requirements They suggested that the development of alkaloidal synthesis of cyanogenic glycoside precursors in the early angiosperms made them unpalatable to the dinosaurs , effectively starving them into extinction .
10 This eventually drew him into the company of Frederick Denison Maurice [ q.v. ] and the band of young men who surrounded him , and the combination of their enthusiasm and insights produced the Christian Socialist movement of 1848 to 1854 .
11 There were quite a few dunces , and er some did n't always get moved on and they did n't all make it into the top class , they had to stop again for another year , or period , in the class they were .
12 And a decade later , when the term ‘ has-been ’ seemed almost an understatement , she not only gratefully accepted but gleefully flung herself into the high camp , Low Gothic shenanigans of Robert Aldrich 's Whatever Happened to Baby Jane ? ( 1962 ) , in which , with a gloating relish that neither her baby-doll fright wig nor her impenetrable pancake make-up could conceal , she set about tormenting her immemorial screen rival and alter ego ( or egoist ) , Joan Crawford .
13 He looked at his big , hammy hands , lying loosely on the table and suddenly doubled them into fists .
14 In relation to the Irish worker , he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland , thus strengthening their domination over himself .
15 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
16 Be able to make a load and strong enough to pitch it into the stack , that was the problem .
17 But anything other than aquiescence with the regent could only tie them into political and ideological knots of Gordian proportions .
18 Celeriac has a rough , thick exterior , so cut it into pieces before peeling and drop into acidulated water to prevent browning .
19 All employees are issued a with a security card which not only allows them into the building but also stores details of their credit facilities .
20 She was a walking weapon already , but Seth had only made her into a rough flint axe .
21 While dream incorporations are explained by the psychoanalytic model , it could also be that only stimuli which fail to arouse the brain sufficiently to tip it into wakefulness result in dream incorporation , rather than that the dream incorporation results in continued sleeping .
22 Then they decided perhaps I did n't have to stay in that one after all , so put me into another single cell , which was equally disgusting .
23 One may wish to study the statistics of word usage or word order with a view to understanding a text better , to catch nuances of meaning and perhaps to render them into a different language .
24 To classify and measure the extent of immorality — to quite literally put it into discourse — was central to getting the problem under control .
25 But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop drinking , I 'd like to think I 'd be brave enough to drink myself into the grave .
26 What was it about him that constantly stirred her into such a state of agitation ?
27 Perhaps it was newspaper speculation that the ‘ courting couple ’ were about to get married that convinced Jason it was time to turn the tide in favour of something nearer the truth and gently let everyone into their secret that it was just one big publicity stunt which , once started , was easier to carry on with than deny , and far more profitable in any event .
28 Then , blushing , she told Anne that when they had left Reece 's and were walking up Parker Street Ronald had suddenly pushed her into a shop doorway and attacked her .
29 Not only did she need Vitor 's goodwill now , but she could need it some time in the future ; so turning him into an outright no-holds-barred enemy was shortsighted … and potentially dangerous .
30 People travel outside the village to work , so turning it into a dormitory village .
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