Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 We saw common guillemot , Brünnich 's guillemot , razorbill , black guillemot and puffin : it only needed little auk to complete all the auks on the European list !
2 Guards should properly refer to ‘ switching on the darks ’ , since what they call lights seem expressly designed to suck all traces of illumination out of the carriage , casting shadows into every corner .
3 By the time of Anselm 's death the question was essentially settled and Anselm 's successor Ralph was fighting in a hopeless cause : by the time of Ralph 's death , the instruments of universal government had become sufficiently highly developed to make all that Lanfranc and Anselm had stood for in this aspect of their work a thing of the past .
4 Now I do n't necessarily want to stop all of it , but I do want to control the sort of mail I get .
5 I merely want to open all the doors as far as they will go at the moment . ’
6 Now , here in Devon , she suddenly wants to know all about why a fish is oily near the spine and how you cut and salt it .
7 I reasoned that this was where I would find a small breeder advertising his or her first clutches of chicks for sale — someone who was n't big enough to justify advertising all year round .
8 But he would not necessarily decide to honour all rights provided in all statutes .
9 I told them if we did n't get more light and heat up here soon I 'd tear a few more of them apart , but after that they only started acting all stupid , and anyway they 'll soon forget ; they always do . "
10 Therefore , if were incorrectly derived from an acoustic waveform that in fact corresponded to an intended production of thanks for sending me your letter , the syntactic/semantic component would not only have to reject all the improbable competitors such as thanks force ending knee your letter , but also to identify that the word knee has been incorrectly derived instead of me .
11 Besides , he had keys if he arrived while she was out , so he would wait for her , especially having come all the way from Hong Kong , she comforted herself , with a vague feeling that she was somehow cheating .
12 I felt quite dirty having to tell all these intimate details to total strangers and most of all my mother , who I had to live with and would always know everything , as they are not the sort of things you discuss with your parents .
13 Among orthodox men of learning the biblical axiom that species are fixed entities established by God at the Creation gradually became qualified by the doctrine of plenitude , the Great Chain of Being , which declared that God , as artist creator , would necessarily have created all possible creatures in all possible worlds , and that the creatures which we now know on earth are but a fraction of those which exist in the universe .
14 A rearmed West Germany merely served to revive all the old French fears about security .
15 Any elderly crone , who happened to be ugly or misshapen enough to have repelled all potential husbands , and who was therefore forced to live a solitary life with no children of her own , often as an outcast on the edge of the village , was desperately in need of companionship .
16 The monarch remained the chief executive in the state : he alone continued to determine all matters of policy ( foreign and domestic ) ; he had the right to choose his own ministers ; he retained the right to veto legislation ; and he was left with the power to determine the summoning , proroguing and dissolution of Parliament .
17 I had the good fortune to have two older sisters around the house , who basically had to do all the nasty dirty work .
18 ‘ Because if you do , you 'd better start undoing all these goddamned buttons while the fire 's still hot . ’
19 Lucile was obviously bursting to reveal all .
20 T'Home does n't run to one , and t'daughter only wanted to get all t'kids back to Sunderland . "
21 The shops he had just examined stretched all the way back to the churchyard wall and their rear windows , set grimly amongst the headstones and mausoleums , had to be checked too .
22 Lillian Graham and Lionel Luyt danced the leads in Suite , but it was remarked that Luyt ‘ no longer has to sustain all the male roles himself , and can share them with useful dancers like John Cranko and David Poole ’ .
23 However , if your claim is successful , and damages are paid by the Defendants , we would normally expect to recover all or most of our costs and disbursements from them .
24 We just seemed to spend all the time we were n't at work doing up the house and arguing about how we wanted it .
25 It just seemed to go all wrong when we passed the big rock . ’
26 Marxism 's inability to deal with the political interventions of other oppositional groups has meant that its History can no longer claim to subsume all processes of change .
27 It was somehow reassuring to see all those houses , those solid Victorian terraces in the rain and the soft yellow light of the street lamps .
28 I do n't think I will be able to set up anything quite as fancy as Gav 's I was just going to add all the e-mail addresses to a list .
29 ‘ Someone not so far from here might just decide to take all those opportunities you wax so lyrical about away from you ! ’
30 You know , I mean we just got them cheap erm lampshades from now on er cos it 's not worth it cos th the expensive ones are just getting damaged all the time .
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