Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Sociologists of religion frequently appear inexcusably reductionist to those whom they study .
2 By last year they had crept back only to $113 billion , and that mostly thanks to some hefty refinancing of old high-coupon issues from the early 1980s to take advantage of lower interest rates .
3 She was intensely loyal and endlessly kind to those ( women ) she knew well and respected .
4 It is only thanks to this close control that maximum use can be made of the water available to generate electricity .
5 Given the sensitive functions of the librarium which doubled as the communications centre , naturally entry to that chamber was restricted .
6 The loss of his favourite local was quite enough punishment to this patriot so ‘ Found in the coal yard ’ went on to the documents .
7 But all this brings me to the ‘ Ongoing Debate ’ of the letters page and those comments of Naomi Wolf about variety and the impossibility of being all things to all women .
8 Indeed , were there more than a handful of black presenters on TV , he would n't be burdened with the impossible task of being all things to all black people .
9 Neither was there any reference to Iraq , and it seems from the wording of one report on the proceedings , to the effect that ‘ the UN implicitly criticizes Iran ’ , that here was a resolution with human characteristics , one capable of being all things to all men .
10 And so farewell to that pocket of warmth , thought Jay .
11 Because we are conditioned to thinking of retirement as a time for settling into a new home , many people up sticks without perhaps giving enough thought to such essentials as proximity to family and friends and whether a different area would provide the same scope for pursuing their interests .
12 Though that Act makes the partnership a corporation , [ it is said ] … that this is merely for the purpose of carrying on the business mentioned in it , and that it can only sue in respect of matters necessarily incident to that purpose .
13 Okay , so goodbye to that .
14 So congratulations to all present on superb selling achievements .
15 It is largely thanks to this one moment of history that there currently exists an unbroken line of Spanish-speaking nations through 90° of latitude from Tijuana in northern Mexico to Punta Arenas in southern Chile .
16 At just 34p to all international destinations Aerogrammes are great value for money , and the easiest way to get your message across .
17 Just 34p to all destinations , you can purchase them as a pack of six for £1.90 .
18 Elsewhere there are just clues to former occupancy : foundations , a silted mill-race , or the remnants of a weir , as described by Edward Thomas :
19 However , by the mid-eighteenth century this pine was being raised in this country by Lord Weymouth , Sir Wyndham Knatchbull in Kent and by the Duke of Argyll at Whitton , where large quantities of cones were produced annually , ‘ which his Grace did most generously distributte to all the curious . ’
20 ‘ They do n't usually resort to such violence .
21 Mrs Burrows wrote warning her daughter that " women are not always kind to each other " .
22 ‘ But he was always kind to those who were around . ’
23 THE youthful resentment that threatened to put a break on the wing wizardry of Ryan Giggs is fading rapidly thanks to some wise counsel from Manchester United boss Alex Ferguson .
24 309 , where Lord Greene M.R. used more than once words to this effect : ‘ the only ways in which ’ a tenant ‘ can be deprived of the protection of the Acts are ( a ) by giving up possession , in which case no order for recovery of possession against him is required ; ( b ) having an order for recovery of possession made against him . ’
25 It was on that occasion — in the strangely bare study of Darlington Hall — that Mr Farraday shook my hand for the first time , but by then we were hardly strangers to each other ; quite aside from the matter of the staff , my new employer in several other instances had had occasion to call upon such qualities as it may be my good fortune to possess and found them to be , I would venture , dependable .
26 But if the objective of the advertising for such a brand is , in fact , to talk to newcomers to the market ( and there are always newcomers to any market ) , or to the unconverted , or to disloyal users of other brands , there is , obviously , a very clear , specific case for ads which carry quite a lot of information , presented in a suitably attractive way .
27 Though his new house has been named Durham Cottage , with fond memories of home , a friend tells us that Lord Dormand still Jack to most people is finding it hard to adjust .
28 As described in Chapter 2 , the greater part of the funding in any year was given to a number of Major Project schools ( usually £6,000 to each of eight schools ) , and at the time of writing 36 schools have received such a grant and another five have been proposed for the current financial year .
29 Erm I think maybe we need to think about it , we need to give a bit more thought to that
30 Among some indigenous groups there is also resistance to any kind of integration with ladino society which means denying their own culture and becoming ‘ Spanish ’ .
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