Example sentences of "[pers pn] turn out in " in BNC.

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1 On Saturdays we turn out in our yellow and black strip , To the chantin' of the faithful few down at ‘ The Tip ’ .
2 It was the very same story the time oor Isa sent for the stilettos very much against my advice as it happens but they were supposed to be real made-in-England leather uppers available in three colourways , aubergine , aqua or avocado well , as she said herself she was expecting green but nothing quite as Irish as they turned out in fact to be .
3 WHETHER you are a punter or just love horses you ca n't ignore point-to-point racing and down Ballymena way they turned out in force for last weekend 's Mid-Antrim Hunt meeting at Galgorm .
4 According to Axelrod and Hamilton , ‘ It turns out in many cases that if a fig wasp entering a young fig does not pollinate enough flowers for seeds and instead lays eggs in almost all , the tree cuts off the developing fig at an early stage .
5 The resulting price and output combination for this period ( 1 ) is unc — price is set equal to short-run marginal cost SMC , and , it turns out in figure 4.1 , is less than long-run marginal cost .
6 It turns out in the end that , that , all the readings were in there it 's just a matter locating them !
7 The answer is one of two things — a Labour government which he can not influence for the good , or a Labour government which he turns out in a few months , provoking another election .
8 Despite the myths which surround the Act , it turned out in the long term to be quite efficient and reasonably humane , but the threat of transition sparked off another series of troubles in Sussex , the last concerted fling of desperation .
9 It said it expects initial products to be high-end servers and so it turned out in most cases .
10 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
11 But see how it turned out in the end . ’
12 They had both of them thought that the climate of Panama would be bad for the racquets , although it turned out in the end that he could perfectly well have taken them with him .
13 However , it turned out in the end that he was basically correct , though in a manner he had certainly not expected .
14 But the character of the report as it turned out in the end owed a great deal to Sir William Beveridge himself , who determined to make a ‘ crusade ’ out of it for the sake of the achievement of social reform .
15 Erm it turned out in the end that , that you got some information about the husband , particularly about a pension scheme , but you almost got the impression was well , you know , was it really right ?
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