Example sentences of "[pers pn] set to work " in BNC.

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1 Without further ado , I set to work .
2 She taught me the basics : casting-on , how to knit and pearl , and I set to work .
3 I set to work with my little bag of magic potions and do you know what I discovered ? ’
4 A 1:50,000 flat sheet map of the area was quickly acquired and I set to work scouring the area for my standard size circles , using Gresford All Saints as a perimeter marker .
5 So I set to work learning Italian intensively , because I continued to feel , and increasingly felt , that anything that could help to keep Italy out of any war that might take place , ought to be done .
6 I set to work with the pick .
7 When you have a course that works , you do n't sit back and watch the grass grow — you set to work to make it even better .
8 We were told that she set to work ‘ editing ’ the crazed philosopher 's work to make it more Nazi , and that Elisabeth had a strong and malign influence on the growth of National Socialism .
9 At once , she set to work and made such a remarkable copy of a Michelangelo that she was sent , when ten years old , to the Dublin School of Art where she learnt drawing and sculpture .
10 Now that the party was over , she set to work to remove all traces of it , because she could n't bear the aftermath of revelry .
11 She took off the wire that held the cork in position and put the bottle beside her , then she set to work .
12 She set to work on Emily 's shoes , pride insisted that she finish the job she had begun even if she was never paid for it .
13 He agreed , and she set to work .
14 She sighed to herself and smiled to herself at Auntie 's mistake ; and then she set to work with Auntie 's sewing-machine .
15 She set to work with a vengeance , losing herself in the difficult task of making all those fiercely vivid images of him that were swirling around in her head tangible .
16 Walking back to Rebecca 's cluttered desk , she set to work .
17 However , he was quite correct in assuming she would not contact the person who had phoned her until she was sure he was well out of the way , so she set to work in sorting out the various tasks to be done .
18 Hoping Penry Vaughan would n't mind if she borrowed his hairbrush , she set to work .
19 oh she set to work and she cleared the she had , what did she have ? , meat , er chicken , potatoes , cauliflower , Yorkshire pudding
20 We set to work and produced the rally and it was terrific .
21 The chairman was Sir John Newsom , and in 1966 we set to work .
22 We set to work on this with a will .
23 ‘ So we set to work on the pictures , enormous ones and little gems which would all go in the modern interior , and made them full of off-white and near-pink . ’
24 Meanwhile , having appealed to Leavis , we received from him almost by return a literary essay , and we set to work to write our own pieces .
25 And he describes the last 14 years of his life dedicated to overcoming the bitterness accumulated since the ‘ rubber barons ’ first reached the region , bringing with them thousands of labourers from Brazil 's impoverished Northeast , who they set to work as Seringueiros in lands wrested from the Indians .
26 ‘ Apple pie , ’ he said , and they set to work .
27 Back in France , they set to work .
28 They set to work cutting down trees and brushwood , far and near , to drag up to the terrace , to fill in the ditches — or at least , the two outer ones , for when they came to the inner ones it was promptly demonstrated that they were within range of the defending cannon .
29 India could develop test-tube fusion cells , using them as a source of neutrons to make weapons grade materials , breaking out of the stranglehold that the USA has held them in since severance of nuclear ties following the Pokran nuclear test in 1974 ; they set to work at once before the US classifies it as secret and corners the world market on the essential materials .
30 Energetic — and friendly whenever they came across her and Thomas — they set to work clearing it .
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