Example sentences of "[pers pn] go [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't really expect me to go fishing about underneath your bed if I do n't even know what I might find under it , now can you ? ’
2 You want me to go jumping out of Dorniers again at five thousand feet in the dark like last time over Ireland and you try to hand me that kind of bollocks . ’
3 But you did n't expect me to go rummaging around in Paula 's diary , did you ? ’
4 Jake got up this morning I goes going down then ?
5 I go Getting along !
6 I go bouncing over to our room with my loan held aloft .
7 So when I went creaking up the winding back staircase to the two attics and looked in through their respective doors ( ‘ Do n't touch , dear …
8 You fell asleep once when I went droning on through Biographica Literaria .
9 Then I went skipping round to the cottage to see Miss Louise before I went to school .
10 Then I went shopping down at Lillywhites and bought a pair of swimming shorts , a Speedo swimcap and a pair of swimmer 's goggles .
11 So I went rushing round to a friend of mine who fortunately had some and I said I want to see your walking , and I was much comforted to discover that they do actually use all six legs .
12 And I went storming down to the office , did n't I ?
13 ‘ We 'd better get her into bed , ’ Otley urged , ‘ before she goes sleepwalking down to the river and falls in . ’
14 Not where your sister might find it if she goes snooping about ? ’
15 The Lady Amelia would never allow you to go wandering off by yourself .
16 That 'll teach you to go playing round with nasty stuff like that .
17 ‘ Why in God 's name did you go rushing off like that ?
18 Where did she go drinking out of glasses ?
19 And then then risk the life of one of the best rabbits we 've got , just to play nursey while you go wandering about like a moon-struck field-mouse .
20 ‘ Of course , ’ Robin-Anne went on , ‘ the brain eventually manufactures more dopamine , so after a day or two the cocaine can work again , and you go soaring up from hell into heaven .
21 ‘ We 'll be ‘ ere till doomsday if you go bletherin' on , ’ said Tom .
22 At the first sign of the emotional see-saw that life so often presents , you go scurrying off for the goodies that give you comfort .
23 No , the Romans are not blind , they 'll see you coming if you go charging down to Colchester , go round the back and sneak up on them .
24 You can not feel the elastic around your ankles when you are falling , just the rushing of the wind past your face , then suddenly the elastic goes tight and you go shooting up towards the platform again .
25 ‘ Jez , you ever think what loneliness is if you go turning down offers of friendship ?
26 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
27 But should n't you try and find out some more about him before you go rushing off ?
28 If you go rushing in and you 're in a thirty and you 're doing forty five they 'll all rush in with you .
29 You 'll have to check the grass before you go running around out there .
30 So you get long beep , short beep , long beep , short beep , that 's the successful switching tone , you 'll know it 's worked , and you go trotting back to your office , you get 75 seconds again , it 's like the hold , before it starts to ring , or you can access it by keying in what ?
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