Example sentences of "[pers pn] at the house " in BNC.

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1 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
2 ‘ I 'll talk to you at the house ! ’
3 ‘ Was he always alone when you saw him at the house ? ’
4 Referring to the Rhyl Labour Party campaign to persuade the public to send preprinted ‘ Deeds Not Words ’ postcards to him at the House of Commons , Mr Richards said : ‘ Anybody who thinks that sending postcards and petitions is going to change the price of bread is not living in the real world . ’
5 On the narrow bridge he stood in front of her again , blocking her way , looking back past her at the House .
6 If Rohan needed to have a private word with her , why had n't he arranged to see her at the house instead ?
7 I was called away to the hospital so I left her at the house waiting for Nigel to turn up to collect her . ’
8 Those preferring milk to grog or porter were plentifully supplied with it at the house . ’
9 He touched the long , dark green curtains , looked out into the garden and over it at the house beyond , tall and dark , A dim sodium-yellow glow filled the sky ; patchy snow blemished the garden .
10 Is it at the house or er
11 well I 'm always calling them tweedle dum and tweedle dee , hey do n't throw it at the house , it might be something fragile
12 I think about Mr Jackson and I get a sort of uncomfortable feeling when I remember he was waiting for me at the house and I did n't come back .
13 ‘ I thought my secretary told you to meet me at the house in Edinburgh ?
14 To do nothing might be worse — Allan had greeted them at the house with the news ( fresh from the great oven of rumour , the widow Duff 's at Ballinluig ) that a file of English soldiers had ridden out from Perth .
15 ‘ I wanted to have one of us at the house . ’
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