Example sentences of "[pers pn] have know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was serious about acting in those days , but the hungrier I got the more my resolution sagged , until a guy I 'd known at college talked me into a job with the Defense Department . ’
2 He worked in Whitehall , that 's all I 'd known at the time .
3 if I 'd known about that that would of great !
4 How much better life would have been if I 'd known about that or used it ?
5 Sometimes they come back from their haunts very cross , and say , " If only I 'd known about that , " or " Why did n't I think of that ?
6 ‘ Oh , I wish I 'd known about Elise and Rob . ’
7 The owner was a small exter named Fif , a ball of orange fur with tentacles , whom I 'd known for a long time in various planets .
8 Rehearsals were due to begin for myself and my accompanist/narrator John Gould , a shy , quirky , gifted musician whom I 'd known for almost twenty years .
9 My problems were : I had a body in the bath right behind me , a girl I 'd known for less than twenty-four hours in a bed in the next room , I was staying in the house of somebody I 'd never met who was currently at a family wedding somewhere north of Karachi and somewhere down the yellow brick road I had to call the cops .
10 I wish I 'd known in advance .
11 ‘ If I 'd known in time , I would n't have .
12 Cut adrift from nearly everything I 'd known before seven , I turned inward and invented story games to play alone .
13 How else could I have known about it unless I was your son ?
14 Crosland was replaced as Environment Secretary by Peter Shore , a much less exuberant and extrovert character , but a solid , steady man whom I had known over the years and had first met when he was the Secretary of an ad hoc committee formed by the Labour Party — with a few outside ‘ experts ’ such as Dennis Lloyd and myself — to produce a rental policy .
15 And yet , when I came to know my associates , a far greater intimacy and sense of comradeship developed than I had known with any but my closest friends at school or university .
16 In fact , my sheer busyness had squeezed out the close intimacy I had known with him during the first few months of the year after my operation .
17 A few minutes later we were seated at a corner table in the small bistro which I had known for several years .
18 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
19 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
20 on long , summer evenings ) and quite another to go up to a girl , even one I had known for years and actually do such a thing .
21 Because I had known of it .
22 Thin husks I had known as men ,
23 I told her of the storms I had known as a child in America , of the sea lifting the paving stones in Penzance , of the ice storms in New England where each twig , each leaf is coated in ice , and of how , when the sun shines , it is as though the world were crystallised , as though nature were encapsulated in a diamond .
24 This man , who was soon joined by three friends , reminded me of the woozily friendly Galway people I had known in Brighton in the late sixties and early seventies .
25 Near the bus and railway station stood a Great Southern Hotel , not too different from the luxurious mansion I had known in Killarney .
26 Mr. Reilly remarked of Mr William Paul , a leading member of the society , that he ‘ exceeded anyone I had known in his spirit and power in prayer ; and oh , how rich and copious were his quotations from scripture and our hymns ’ .
27 During holidays at The Milebrook I found once again the freedom I had known in Abyssinia , but now for only three months in the year .
28 Yeah , but thing is I mean , you know , there 's a lot of kids out there , I mean I 've know with , sort of , Lee 's friend you know , okay , with us I mean with Lee o okay we do n't I 've often said to him , why do n't you get a Saturday job ?
29 They 're not doing this or that but in lots of cases , and I 've known of lots of cases where children just do n't want to know !
30 I 've known of chemical conversions to ideology . ’
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