Example sentences of "[pers pn] of a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He therefore considered them of a tradition quite different from that form of conservatism — so admirably defined by Russell Kirk in his study Eliot and his Age ( 1971 , 1984 ) — which , as Eliot said to me more than once , was the best and perhaps the only defence against the extremes of Communism and Fascism .
2 After the Mirror accused them of a cover-up , they revealed that the deadly brew trickled down the outside of a hot evaporator for FIVE HOURS before alarms were triggered .
3 Horace may or may not have believed in the divinities and demi-gods he poetically invokes ( he often deals whimsically with them , and he describes himself as — not much of a churchgoer ) but they were at the very least a cultural property that he held in common with his audience ; he could assume that his readers — represented by Torquatus — would take the point if , in developing a theme , he reminded them of a name out of history or legend .
4 An enterprising firm of accountants , having taken expert legal advice , wrote around to B.C.C.I. depositors telling them of a scheme the accountants had prepared .
5 That assures them of a bedrock of support .
6 In consequence , there are many single wavenumber patterns , some of them of a complexity that makes them not instantly recognizable as such ; for example , one of them is a hexagonal pattern rather like Fig. 4.9 .
7 Reporters and photographers recorded the images presented to them of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or a glance .
8 I tell them of a babysitting job I had when I was 12 .
9 He tells them of a tale he has heard , of how a monster called Grendel has killed many of Earl Hrothgar 's people .
10 Wood which concluded : ‘ The non-treaty Nez Perces can not in law be regarded as bound by the treaty of 1863 ; and in so far as it attempts to deprive them of a right to occupancy on any land its provisions are null and void . ’
11 Some retailers also distribute simple handbills to passing shoppers , notifying them of a shop opening , special offers or sales .
12 But the reality is that the court has not given to doctors any right that they did not previously have : it has merely declined to deprive them of a power which it is for them alone to exercise .
13 If it was a sad end for England , they at least had the knowledge that only the weather deprived them of a draw .
14 Attitudes are changing , but the view persists that only children are spoiled , lonely or over-protected and that their parents are selfish for ‘ depriving ’ them of a brother or sister .
15 She recalled to herself that the circumstances of their visit had deprived them of an opportunity to examine the ancient willow tree sprung from a plank of Noah 's Ark .
16 She then told me of a child she had had who had been still-born .
17 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
18 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
19 WHILE the economy has performed its own high-wire act , news reaches me of a circus whose partners have been forced into personal bankruptcy .
20 You , Mr. Speaker , would not permit me to give a full answer to the right hon. Gentleman 's question , which reminds me of a minute that I sent out , when I went to the Home Office in 1987 , to the then permanent secretary .
21 But I remember Philip telling me of a man he admired a great deal , and ‘ t was Guy fitzAlan of Ashby Chase .
22 It reminded me of a diary that Bruce Page , the last editor of the New Statesman but five , wrote in these pages years ago .
23 I had it done to remind me of a mistake from which I have learnt much , and of an ending which I have no cause to regret . ’
24 His body was hairy , muscled , well-shaped , and when I saw him strip for bed he reminded me of a gorilla about to pounce upon its prey .
25 A pretty nest is selling puppies , he said , and sang to me of a nest ( not nurse ) from which puppies are hatched and sold , and there was a fireman and pedestrians with raincoats and walking-sticks , strolling the length of the roof as though it were an avenue , with a bright barber shop perched upon an antenna whose rust I could n't see .
26 Our Minister had reminded me of a sermon by a former St. Andrew 's minister , about ‘ A Garden City , ’ where there would be realisation of the twin idelas : service and society .
27 The boy in the daylight reminded me of a bird , a bold curious bird .
28 If Anne reminded me of a gazelle , then Mrs. Constantine was like a snake : supple and seemingly without bones , smooth , lustrous , with wicked black eyes like stones and shining black hair twisted up into a knot on top of her head and a wide , wide mouth with disturbingly red lips and a flickering tongue that darted out to lick the crimson lips when she was concentrating on the cards .
29 Someone else told me of a friend who brought her ninety-year-old mother to visit her .
30 ‘ It reminded me of a friend 's hand . ’
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