Example sentences of "[pers pn] be n't just " in BNC.

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1 I was n't just trapped in the tower , I also had the key to the door .
2 I wanted to prove that I was n't just good at sports .
3 I was n't just a child , an alone child ; she used to say , ‘ Alice , you are my friend .
4 ‘ Och , it 's a gift ; I 'd be ashamed of myself if I was n't just so fucking nice with it . ’
5 ‘ Listen , if I was n't just John Dyson , but The John Dyson , people would n't even waste their time asking me to do ten-guinea talks for the Overseas Service — they 'd know I 'd be fully occupied doing pieces for Playboy and Esquire at a thousand dollars a time , and going on television at a hundred guineas an appearance .
6 ‘ But I wanted to make sure that , well , I was n't just being cynical about it all , making use of you .
7 Ah but I was n't just meaning on the concrete bit .
8 ‘ I did n't think people read Tennyson nowadays , ’ he said , ‘ but then of course you are n't just ‘ people ’ . ’
9 She was still rocking from the unexpected power his kisses had over her when , looking down at her from his lofty height , he mocked , ‘ Now try and tell me you are n't just anybody 's ! ’
10 So with the big firms , when you 're doing a full house and you you are n't just going to have a few bits like you would for a light removal , off you go and you estimate .
11 Blushing suggested you were n't just lying , but that you had something to hide .
12 It was in the context not of an isolated individual saying it to another isolated individual , but actually feeling that this identity had a social location , a political and moral location , because it involved a whole series of things which meant you were n't just a voice crying in the wilderness .
13 " But she is n't just having food today . "
14 The big thing about Butch is that she is n't just a dumb blonde , as she herself stressed .
15 But she is n't just a dumb blonde .
16 She was n't just slim , she was painfully thin .
17 She was n't just scared of the cameras , she was scared of everything — scared to go home .
18 It was some time before she realised that she was n't just wide awake — she was hungry !
19 Had people coming in , they noticed that we are n't just a building there offering financial services , but we were actually interested again , in the local community .
20 And cer the determination of the women , that we were n't gon na be starved back to work , we were n't gon na be forced back to work , we were n't just gon na end in chaos and some of us going back and some of us staying out , I think it was the women possibly talking to their husbands or , and just reassuring each other , you know that helped us no end .
21 They are n't just individually unequal , therefore , they have unequal access to the resources of organisation .
22 They are n't just poor women , they are battered In breaking away they are n't just leaving home , they are changing from the victims they once thought they were into survivors , transformed by their own flight into a little bit of freedom and safety among other women .
23 They are n't just poor women , they are battered In breaking away they are n't just leaving home , they are changing from the victims they once thought they were into survivors , transformed by their own flight into a little bit of freedom and safety among other women .
24 They were n't just head and shoulders better but chest and waist too .
25 They were n't just Maggie and Nevil any more , but a couple .
26 But they were n't just ordinary straightforward pars .
27 ‘ My God , they were n't just hitting it sideways , some of them were n't even making contact .
28 Smiles came from within , they were n't just a facial movement , and she stared at him assessingly as she wondered how she could have been such a fool .
29 They were n't just humming a chorus of ‘ North Sea Sunrise ’ , the jazz tribute to the industry which the Norwegian contractor Kvaerner commissioned for its reception at Aberdeen 's Beach Ballroom .
30 Let them do what they like as long as you 're not well they do , they kill you , kill you stone dead er them French vaches Cos , see you go in down here you see , where you 've got ta jump up to get out got ta jump up off the floor , you got ta jump up about four feet to get out see , they were n't just like
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