Example sentences of "[pers pn] came up on " in BNC.

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1 He could n't get away when I did , so I came up on my own .
2 As a matter of fact , I came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island .
3 I came up on the pools !
4 you came up on me without warning
5 And she came up on a Wednesday for coffee , after the service .
6 The heath , when she came up on it , was alive with colours .
7 She came up on her elbow .
8 He came up on the other side shaking dirt from his fine white feathers .
9 Old Hewlett-Packard Co hands say that back in their day Lew Platt never looked to be a contender for the presidency : they are gratified to see him elevated since he came up on the Unix side and wonder how much should be read into that .
10 But anyway , he came up on the Monday er sorry , on the Friday when they was paying out , he said , Which chappie paid you ?
11 He came up on the train for a few days , very nervous , wearing his best suit .
12 Even her voice was different and he came up on one elbow to look into her face , seeing all the fire die out of her .
13 Buck , the adrenalin flowing , hit one of his longest drives , but he came up on it a little early .
14 It came up on the PA tapes an hour ago .
15 It came up on the wall like that and had a big wooden block fastened to the wall that block
16 It came up on his elbows and all , and his trousers were covered and there 's bloody jam , er this concoction !
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