Example sentences of "[pers pn] could have that " in BNC.

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1 I vowed to do anything to please Mum so I could have that bed , but I should have known better : it was impossible to please her .
2 I think no mine are too thin , or maybe their not , and , and this , and seeing this in magazines , seeing it on television it make 's me think that maybe I could have that
3 and if I had the money I could have that
4 Then I could have that machine and Justy can have mine .
5 She she could have that spotless could n't she ?
6 If you think about this it 's based on the four carbon structure so you 've got ta have a few in the name there is a carbon carbon double bond so the basic structure we 've got is the Butane but as there is more than one position you could have that carbon carbon double bond now , to indicate this position and so this one would be called futes it would normally be a butane but to indicate it 's position bute one E and again you 're taking the lowest number so instead of it being a bute three , it 's a bute one E you start at the appropriate .
7 It 's an interval you 'd never see but I mean theoretically you could have that .
8 But at the end of the discussions between the project coordinator and the client , when you have actually helped him and led along , you could have this , or you could have that , or perhaps we could just take it to this stage , cost some options out and give you a recommendation .
9 I thought you could have that .
10 Yeah because then you could have that , you could like have a story board for that advert that you thought of .
11 Because we could have that , you know .
12 We could have that on the stall could n't we ?
13 Could , we could have that blown up
14 but what I meant was is that we were gon na have a sort of a little gathering before but I suppose we could have that today sort of .
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