Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 By the time this appears I will have been here a year ( 11 January ) .
2 We heard that some rich kids just ignored their fines ; theirs will have been the Porsche 928s we saw about the place .
3 Next month she will have been locked up for 4 years without being charged or tried , while an examining magistrate struggles to assemble enough evidence to convict her of murdering first her husband and then her boyfriend .
4 ‘ In May next year she will have been in remission for five years , ’ explains her mum .
5 When she retires next month , challenging behaviour will be only one of the many items she will have been able to put a tick next to on the learning difficulties agenda , although she would the last to claim there is nothing left to do .
6 I am grateful for the Minister 's reply and I know that she will have been as horrified as the rest of us by the images and the conflict that was reported from Somalia last weekend .
7 If you live outside reasonable travelling distance of the campus , you will have been sent details concerning accommodation at the time of confirmation of your place at the University .
8 With a planned hospital stay you will have been told to prepare for the operation as best as you can , perhaps by losing some weight , discontinuing any medication that you may be taking , or attempting to stop smoking .
9 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
10 Remember that you will have been out enjoying yourself and you will still have made that lovely garter stitch sweater as well .
11 If you are self-employed you will have been paving a flat-rate Class 2 contribution every week and possibly the earnings-related Class 4 contributions as well .
12 If you have been in any of the following situations , you will have been credited with contributions ( instead of having to pay them ) :
13 You will have been told that 93% — or whatever — of British women are on a diet at any one time , but that , as a nation , we are still getting fatter .
14 You will have been protected hopefully from birth , or shortly after birth , by the tetanus vaccine , which will have caused you to produce antibodies against it .
15 YOUR TASK : often you will have been given an explicit purpose for making notes at the outset .
16 You will have been alerted , during the weekend , to the serious situation which has arisen again in Cleveland .
17 You will have been given a time at which to expect clearance to leave the hold — this could be either EAT or OCT .
18 You can hardly believe that a few stretchsuits and some nappies can possibly cost as much as they say , but nine months and a lot of shopping trips later , you will have been forced to accept that your new addition has managed to tip the scales severely in the debit direction .
19 With ‘ good head office staff , I 've been able to spend upwards of two days a week out in the service and if you keep that up it 's amazing how many places you will have been over the years and we now have a much more open relationship ’ .
20 You must be an assessor of the DC to register your decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
21 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option but you must be an assessor of the DC to register a decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
22 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
23 By the time you read this ( Merry Chrimbo , by the way ! ) we will have held a social evening to welcome our new members on the 1st October , we will have been to see the chilling drama ‘ The Woman in Black ’ at the Fortune Theatre on the 19th November and we will have had Christmas drinks on the 12th December .
24 We 'll have ha we will have been an irrel irrelevant to them for so long that when they do find another job or even a first job , then we will have a major task to convince them of the value of trade union membership .
25 Remember , in five years , time , most of these people will either be press officers ( doing the same as you are , but with less loving care ) or they will have been kicked upstairs to edit a page instead of writing on it , thereby saving readers from any more of their insufferable prose .
26 IF Frank Chamberlain , chairman elect of the Test and County Cricket Board , had any qualms about taking on the job next October , they will have been magnified by his introduction to the massed press at Lord 's yesterday , writes Mike Selvey .
27 IF Frank Chamberlain , chairman elect of the Test and County Cricket Board , had any qualms about taking on the job next October , they will have been magnified by his introduction to the massed press at Lord 's yesterday , writes Mike Selvey .
28 They will have been ‘ dumped ’ along with the other books by ‘ yesterday 's men and women ’ .
29 We all make mistakes — try and learn from yours and they will have been worthwhile .
30 By January 1991 they will have been re-classified under the Key Scheme .
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