Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 I have loved you since I have known you .
2 But just as she was stepping into the cab , she clutched me : ‘ I have loved you so much , darling Lily . ’
3 I have loved you long and dearly . ’
4 But I have loved you ever since I first saw you in this house .
5 Says , I have loved you with an everlasting love !
6 Not a love that changes , not a love that starts when you become nice , not a love that , you know , that well if you , if you 've got , if you 've got it , it 's got it 's good days and it 's bad days I have loved you with an everlasting love says God !
7 I have phoned you — twice — but there was no reply , ’ Lucy protested , making an effort to remain calm .
8 ‘ I am sorry if it seems I have tricked you , my dear Watson .
9 That is why the sachet I have sent you is so important .
10 I have sent you a broadsheet which surveys our campaigns .
11 I have forgiven you for the same ! ’
12 I have forgiven you .
13 Your gift is what I have taught you , what I have laid upon your heart and chosen you to use those gifts for me .
14 You wo n't forget what I have taught you , will you ? ’
15 ‘ And you , Kraal of the distant South , must try to remember all I have taught you these long years and pass it on .
16 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Emily said , ‘ I have to let you all go , Summer Lodge is no longer mine and , in any case , there is simply not the means to keep going as we have been . ’
17 ‘ There is no easy way to say this , ’ she began haltingly , ‘ my father died a ruined man , I have to let you all go , there 's nothing else for it . ’
18 That 's all I have thank you .
19 I have sought you for many a long day , ’ said Caspar , cheerfully , pursuing the rather frail ploy he had thought up earlier in case of precisely this eventuality .
20 ‘ Yes , I have sought you , ’ he said , nodding , half to himself , ‘ for they tell me you are quite the best there is . ’
21 I have wanted you from the moment I saw you , wet and half-naked , on the deck of my motor-launch that night .
22 You have n't been in touch with me for an age , and I have wanted you since I saw you again at dinner .
23 ‘ You bring those girls here — girls who have shared your bed — and say I have mistaken you . ’
24 I 'll tell him I have to call you — it 's what we 've agreed .
25 Now I have to put you first on the list instead of me .
26 ‘ If I have to watch you any longer I 'll throw up all over the table . ’
27 Mr Broadhurst browbeat me over it : ‘ I will have you know the ancient Hebrew art , its derivation and derogation , its eventual suppuration into the Rosicrucian , even if I have to badger you unmercifully — eurgh !
28 ( " I have understood you ! " )
29 I have asked you senior staff here for a special reason .
30 " I have asked you here , " she began without preamble , " because something has happened which has caused me deep hurt .
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