Example sentences of "[pers pn] were [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps by my middle-aged presence , the suggestion that Flora and I were the same age ?
2 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
3 Matt and I were the same age within a month but Alfred was two or three years older and Maurice quite a bit younger .
4 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
5 You were the same when Mum died , ’ she wailed .
6 But you were the same age , you might have known or heard things about her that adults would not know . ’
7 We had been childhood friends , not from deep affection , or even from admiration , but because we were the same sort of person and trusted one another .
8 We were the same age , but I was so much older than he .
9 It was grown now , and a good bit taller than me , but when I was young and we were the same size it had been my static catapult defending the southerly approaches to the island .
10 They were the same terms which Dante and the mediaeval jurists insisted on : Virgil was great , was perpetually relevant and in that sense ‘ a classic ’ ( if not , more exactingly , the one indisputable ‘ classic ’ ) , because in him could be found what Dante teased out of him — the vision of Empire , of the divinely appointed imperium , which must be reconciled ( this way and that , for the reconciling was not easy ) with the no less divinely intended ecclesia .
11 Although the smooths looked nothing like their skinhead predecessors , they were the same kids extending the fashion .
12 He stood the boxes side by side and then realised that they were the same size .
13 They were the same .
14 It seemed highly unlikely that they were the same animals , and the verbal description of them did not fit that of the two rehomed dogs .
15 Yesterday they were spewed out in the aftermath of the Musgrave Park Hospital outrage but they were the same words which Mr Brooke and his predecessors have used time and time again after other bloody acts of terrorism .
16 It took five months of telephone calls , letters and faxes to Dr Neil Sontag , before a replacement set arrived , only to find that they were the same , unusable version .
17 Although it was hardly conclusive proof they were the same kegs as those discovered by the vagrant , all the signs pointed to it being more than just a coincidence .
18 The second , related one is about the reasons for treating all people as if they were the same , regardless of their individual peculiarities of sex and gender .
19 Pupils were asked to group shapes and say in what ways they were the same as or different from shapes in the other groups .
20 Preston looked at him and wondered if they were the same nightmares he had .
21 Although they were the same age , they thought the Russells Hall pupils would be much bigger than them .
22 The pupils decided that they were the same in that context and were satisfied that there were only three different shapes if they did not allow fences in the middle or squares just touching at the corners .
23 However , in most of what follows , we shall treat theorem proving and other cases of monotonic search as if they were the same .
24 Burrs of hair were scattered on his scalp ; they were the same muted colour as his skin , as though he were compounded of the dust he played in .
25 They were the same height , almost exactly .
26 Here one would think , and perhaps often , they were the same man ( see also below , pp. 64ff . ) .
27 They were the same officers that had arrested me for the charge I was on .
28 They were the same colours-the same jewels — as those he had worn the first time they had met .
29 They were the same , full of khaki shirts , khaki socks and khaki singlets .
30 They were the same , but all the other cells were presided over by the man who founded the order at a place in England called Medmenham Abbey .
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