Example sentences of "[pers pn] had been on " in BNC.

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1 The next morning , when I had been on the move for half an hour , I came across a shack to the left of the road , looking like two different sized cartons glued together side by side .
2 I was seated next to Professor St John Goth , as I had been on the previous night ; Dominic and Lee were opposite , and Mr and Mrs Maclean from Stirling were on my right .
3 It was the first time we had managed to get eight aircraft into the air in one formation in the nearly two months I had been on the island .
4 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
5 If I had been on my own I probably would not have done it . ’
6 As I had been on the medical side since he came back , this was the first time he had spoken to me , or probably seen me .
7 A week earlier Steve and I had been on our way to the summit of Ultar with a pair of 150 foot ropes .
8 The last time I had been on Shunner Fell two years previously I had been walking the Pennine Way and had left Tan Hill on a rainy June day , with heavy clouds following me south as I travelled .
9 I had been on low-calorie diets and diets out of newspapers , but I just could not stick to them .
10 I had been on diets and to put it in context , over twenty years I 've lost a hundred and twenty stone !
11 My appearance showed that I had been on the surface — and the officials were kind enough to put some healants on my ( superficial ) burns while they sent mandroids to check my story .
12 S and er two or three friends , oh I , I had been on a number of cruises before that , to Germany , to Norway and Sweden , to Denmark .
13 I had been on all the northern capitals .
14 I had been on the borders of a virtually unexplored land inhabited by dangerous , untouched tribes .
15 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
16 She had been on the very edge of the steep hills which surround the basin in which Orvieto sits ; and the basin itself was alive and moving , swirling with smoke , with smoky white mists which filled it almost to the brim .
17 In practice , she learnt to ski ; but it was the first time she had been away from her friends and family , the first time she had been on a plane , the first time she had been abroad , and she was desperately unhappy .
18 She had been on the platform for my speech but used distinctive words of her own .
19 She had been on a bus once and had seen Simon in a posh car pulling out of an ‘ executive ’ housing estate opposite the boating lake .
20 In her desperation she had been on the point of walking out to the Lock but there was no need to do that now .
21 She had been on drugs then .
22 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
23 She would likely never see her sister again , so that in her mind she would always be as she had been on that last walk over the moor to Barnswick .
24 She had been on his mind since the morning he had seen her from his horse ; frightened yet defiant , sparking with anger .
25 As for HMS United she had been on station at the rendezvous ; but as it is barely possible to see a 10,000 tonner at 400 yards on a rough night there is little chance of seeing the recognition signals from a canoe when these torch or RG beams are a mere four feet ( just over a metre ) at arm 's length above the waves .
26 She had been on call for forty-eight hours , had snatched very little sleep , and was about to enjoy two full days leave .
27 It was ironical that the man she had just rebuked should be the only one who had shown interest in her as a woman during the fifteen months she had been on the station .
28 Just when she had been on the brink of despair , one of her rich customers had given her a handsome order .
29 She had been on the prowl for days , though it seemed highly unlikely , to say the least , that she would come across the Harlequin man by chance …
30 John Parke writes It was a sad day when the news came some two years ago that Ann Hoare was suffering from cancer and that she had taken early retirement from her post as assistant manager of Exeter University Bookshop , where she had been on the staff since it opened .
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