Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 internal bleeding , right so the internal bleeding sometimes shows itself externally , for example if I had damage to my lungs or severe damage to the inside of my lungs I 'd cough up blood and that 's in , what do you think ?
2 one journalist , one famous Scottish journalist told me when I wo , when I , when I had ambitions to be a journalists , oh do n't go into journalism because you 're a women and all you 'll get to write about is fashion !
3 When I was 11 or 12 I had aspirations to be a goalkeeper too .
4 For the first time since I had come to the college I had access to student political material because my boyfriend was reading the posters , leaflets and student newspapers to me .
5 When I said I was , she asked if I had access to the satellite telephone , the only means of making an international call since the phone system had been destroyed in January .
6 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
7 But rather than see people going without , erm if I had access to good clothing , I did n't see why I should n't give it to them .
8 To pass the time I had access to the hospital library on VDU , together with TV and video .
9 Some of the sound tests were done by a computer and luckily I had access to a computer from my dealer in Bath that enabled me to set the sound up perfectly .
10 ‘ They became alarmed because I had access to security force files of theirs , and all security force personnel through the central computer if I wished .
11 It 's so long since I had people to dinner .
12 Later , I had cause to be grateful for that clause .
13 I demolished it without difficulty , though it was extremely hot and I had recourse to the water when no one was looking .
14 Up to the time of her deafness , she had ambitions to be a music composer but her deafness put paid to that .
15 The blinds were squeezed shut , the door locked , the lights dim , and she had Zambia to herself , but for the anxious presence of Dr Parmedes behind her .
16 She had introductions to various families in this district from a professor at the London School of Economics .
17 But of course a doctor as she had injuries to be seen to .
18 While she had Stephen to herself , Tamar brought up the question of the name .
19 I do n't think any of the five of us could ever remember Laura being cross — not that she had need to be , we were good and reasonable children , always having been treated reasonably , but she had her moments of trial .
20 Not that she had need to .
21 The move brought his mouth much too close to hers , and he took advantage of that fact before she had time to even consider evasive action .
22 She had reason to be wary , reason to act cool .
23 She had reason to be depressed this time .
24 Rain was no more vague than she had reason to be .
25 In summer 1799 they moved to Ballitor , county Kildare , where she had access to a good library .
26 I 've just seen her going that way , and I 've just seen skinny Mick that she used to go out with a she had baby to , coming this way .
27 Yes I think that over the course of our married life we had a number of moves for various reasons , generally to improve the accommodation , erm as standard of life increased so the desire to have a better house to live in or rather in those days a house was out of the question , we generally had rooms in a house , erm , they , the flat for instance that we were bombed out from was a basement flat , erm according to the estate agents it was a garden flat , erm and it meant that you had access to the front garden and the back garden , but as for being a garden flat it was below the level of the garden in the front and at the back it was on the level with the erm green grass at the back of the house , it was also along side of the trolley bus depot , so there it was considerably noisy , nevertheless it was a self contained flat , the first one we 'd had , no the second one we 'd had and we were perfectly happy there although of course it did have minor difficulties , the fact that you used the front door with people who had flats on the other remaining three floors , but nevertheless it did involve you in a certain amount of community living , you were aware of your neighbours , you had to be very conscious of them and they were very conscious of you .
28 We had E to the power of one third , times E to the power of one third , times E to the power of one third .
29 And in all of that time we had Gullfoss to ourselves .
30 To put the problem in an extreme form , if we had access to all the genetic information in the egg and knew all the genes in detail , could we compute the animal to which it will give rise ?
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