Example sentences of "[pers pn] 'll [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Leave the rest of the spuds , ’ said Joe , ‘ I 'll do them .
2 I 'll do them later , it wo n't take long . ’
3 I 'll do them in a moment . ’
4 Then I 'll do like , if I 've got bread rolls I 'll do them and we 'll go upstairs , we 'll take drinks up with us and we 'll eat that , and then the next morning we wake up and the bedroom 's stinking of pickles and things like that you know ?
5 Yeah I 'll do them later on but I was gon na watch Eastenders .
6 I 'll do them when you 're erm cos I meant to do them and I forgot all about it .
7 Think I 'll do them windows inside .
8 I 'll do them love sure you know that .
9 Right I 'll do them again if anybody missed any .
10 I 'll telephone them tomorrow and see whether we can sort something out .
11 I 'll fetch them for you , if you like . ’
12 So like , I 'll fetch them like for us dinner
13 I 'll reimburse them for their time , of course . ’
14 erm , so that if , if they then go to an appeal er , I was talking to this planning officer and I was saying that I think I 'll consult them , he said I do n't think you 'll need to he said , and of what you 've done so far is pretty good and I can get access to all the letters that have been written in , in objecting into the into the homes
15 oh lovely , I go er a big box of chocolates , I think and I 'll stuff them , like Rolo , no , I do n't want any thing , oh I like those heart socks
16 I 'll pull them up when he comes back .
17 I 'll offer them a pathway back to life .
18 ‘ If you like , I 'll cook them once you 've cleaned them , ’ she offered .
19 I 'll cook them .
20 I 'll cook them and eat them .
21 ‘ Do n't dish them out , or I 'll counteract them in a way you wo n't like . ’
22 When my friends come into Gatwick , I tell them I 'll meet them at Victoria station .
23 I 'll stir them in .
24 I mean I 'll bung them in to you at some point
25 I 'll sign them tomorrow , ’ she answered , picking up her coat and handbag .
26 Right erm , so were happy with the , with the minutes otherwise , alright I 'll , I 'll sign them , er
27 It 's supported by our local M P , so I believe , well it 's okay , minutes of the previous meeting which was held on the twelfth of October , and I 'll sign them as a true and accurate version .
28 He lusts after Fat Margot 's tits and is jealous because tonight I 'll cup them in my hands .
29 I 'll slay them !
30 ( Perhaps before you come I 'll snip them off . )
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