Example sentences of "[pers pn] was last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She must have been giving him instructions to find out where I was last night .
2 Where I was last night , and so on .
3 Let him see I 'm no longer the pushover I was last night !
4 Erm I was last night because I was all ready to come and the telephone rang and it was one of those
5 Ca n't tell you how cut up I was last year to hear those Irish madmen had killed her .
6 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
7 the twenty stone I was last month .
8 In an earlier notebook , dated 10 March '97 , he recorded : My limbs fall in , tremble , yield , I am a wreck , even of what I was last Spring .
9 I I think erm a a as you 've kindly called me er I think I will try and make this debate a little more lively erm but I 'm not sure about being controversial er because here I was last week , I was making a speech about the significance of er the deregulation of contracting out bill and er I said then that the bill is so important because it is the first major attempt by government to slay the red tape dragon .
10 I was last week
11 Er , you know but I , she , when I was last week at Sheila 's she said he he her , you know , sign of
12 Maria Luisa is n't the gullible little girl she was last year in Seville .
13 She was last night being comforted by her boyfriend at a caravan park near the beach .
14 She was last night ‘ comfortable ’ in Middlesbrough General .
15 Last time a man wanted to sleep with her was last night .
16 If anything in the Amis corpus has validated his penchant for the poison dart , it was last year 's Memoirs : indiscreet , at times indefensible , but nevertheless a book to leave you giddy with laughter .
17 She paused before answering him , her eyes blinking as if she were thinking ; and then she said , ‘ It was last year … or sometime longer , when … when we lived in Durham . ’
18 The Unix festival , UniForum ‘ 93 , did n't feel as successful a show as it was last year : it was spread out over a lot more acreage and split into two widely separated pavilions , and attendance looked sparse and the aisles empty despite show management 's claims of a 10% increase in traffic — like as not , it was talking about the pre-registration which was up , but unofficially we hear attendance was down ; UniForum is still more a Unix celebration than anything else but it remains to be seen whether there will still be things to celebrate or whether erosion has set in .
19 The Unix festival , Uniforum ‘ 93 , did n't feel like it was as successful a show as it was last year .
20 It was a wee , it 's it was last year when you saw him I think , Dr
21 Erm and that is not half as what it was last year .
22 That 's no good , because then the true worth of the child is not coming out , and at that age I mean , what had started it was last year I I did n't want him to do it .
23 It was last year in Denmark that she reached her lowest ebb .
24 The Brazilian government 's environmental protection agency ( Ibama ) claims that forest destruction is half what it was last year .
25 And the final point I wanted to make , although yes , we do welcome the special transitional grant second tranche of ten point eight million pounds , and it would be churlish not to , it is nevertheless a reduction on what the share of it was last year erm s of the national total so there is actually a reduction in the share that is getting this year , and alongside that , and of course hence the need for the recommendation in the budget , is that we 've actually lost very specifically one point eight five six million in the rollover grant from last year 's erm S T D tranche which we are specifically asking and very grateful to policy and resources for , hopefully , erm we 're asking and we 're hopeful they will underpin it and the Chairman is here and er er has nodded in that direction I think it 's fair to say .
26 Why was the Lotus issue put into this mo this year 's training plan when it was last year 's money ?
27 He says things have been getting more busy but it 's still not as busy as it was last year .
28 I know it was last year I was really annoyed .
29 It was last year was n't it ?
30 It does erm yes , it does , in fact my husband was out there erm in Tel Aviv on a course about a year ago erm and I you know I 'm beginning to think I 'm goodness I 'm glad it was last year and not this year .
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