Example sentences of "[pers pn] the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of them told me the changes they 've put now are so dramatic , there might as well have been a change of government .
2 So , I tell you what , if , if we do end up spending Christmas at gon na give me the present I got to Di and said thank you Di for giving Stella the Christmas present .
3 The way Hilda talked gave me the idea they were all four fairly pally early on . ’
4 And they told me about Azul , in Jersey , and before that I think it was before that they showed me the forensic photographs of all of them : Bissett skewered on the railings , grotesque and spread and limp ; the blood-smeared vibrator used on the retired judge , Jamieson ; the drained shapeless white body of Persimmon , tied to his grid above a pool of blood , then nothing when there should have been something ; then what was left of Sir Rufus Carter , blackened bones , distorted and bent , the black skull 's jaw hinged down in a blind scream but the flesh all gone very much a dental-records job and it was all black , the nails , the wood and the bones too but it 's their mouths their jaws I remember , their silent screams , hanging slack or jammed open and it gets worse because they show me the fucking video they show me the video they think I made or that I think they think I made but I did n't ; they make me watch it and it 's horrific ; there 's a man and he 's dressed in black or dark blue and he has a gorilla mask on and he keeps sucking on this little bottle he 's carrying which must be helium because it gives him that baby voice disguising his own voice and he has this fat little guy strapped to a chrome seat , his mouth taped , one arm tied down onto the arm of the chair , shirt rolled up and the little guy 's shrieking as hard as he can but it sounds quiet because the noise is having to come down his nose while the man in the gorilla mask looks from the camera to the guy in the seat and holds up this huge fucking syringe like something from a nightmare from an old movie from a horror film and I can feel my heart beating wildly because that 's what this is .
5 Mme Deloche taught me the basics I needed to learn .
6 Just show me the bastard who killed Charlie Hatton and I 'll .
7 If you refuse to co-operate I can force you to pay me the money you owe me .
8 It struck me the minute we started , all the silence and letting people finish .
9 ‘ … the guy called me the minute he got back to his office and he said : ‘ Mo do you agree with me that judge was as wet as hell ? ’ and I said : ‘ If you so say but he was sure swimming in the right pool . ’
10 He strode to her , eyes blazing , and shouted , ‘ Why did you specifically come to see me the minute you found out I had my own investment bank ? ’
11 But I did know that Gyggle was the shrink for me the minute I saw him .
12 ‘ Yes — bred from a mare Burun gave me the year we fought the Alan .
13 Would n't even tell me the coaches you know .
14 I have n't see you for almost a year , Victor , and you recognise me the instant I step through the door . ’
15 Why did n't I go home to my own country taking with me the sheet which bore the stains of my virginity .
16 ‘ Later , my mother told me of her terrible foreboding that she had about me the day we made that first daylight raid on Berlin .
17 Enlightenment was urged on me the day I saw the old Jew float to the surface of the deep latrine , how he splashed and struggled into life , and was hoisted out by the jubilant guards , his clothes cleansed by the mire .
18 My mother forwarded it me the day she received it .
19 I 'm quite an independent person , but I was quite insecure , I needed someone to say this is good , this is bad , and because he was doing that it gave me the determination I needed .
20 ‘ They 're likely to charge him over the weekend , so Gerry was tipping me the wink there 's no story for us .
21 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
22 Eleanor simply gave me the excuse I needed .
23 ‘ They send me the ones I need .
24 If I close this week with only seven , I may only end up with one sale , and that 's not gon na to give me the income I want and big H wants so I can take her out for a Chinese .
25 ‘ But I 'll be able to come home in the evenings and you can teach me the things I need to know , ’ said Endill .
26 You can tell me the things I need to know and I can go away .
27 ‘ I told you , Murphy , that although I am immensely grateful to you for helping me to repair the shed to make a hen house and for finding me the things I need , these are my hens and I shall look after them .
28 My God , my mother used to say : ‘ Show me the company you keep and I 'll tell you what you are . ’
29 Years later he will show me the sketches he made with mud and chalk in the trenches , of fragile running men and tangled machines , lit up by exploding shells like arrested frames of film .
30 Give me the mike you Leave it !
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