Example sentences of "[noun pl] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You have the sense that , from now on , you 'll be travelling on a different line , you 'll be seeing different views through the window .
2 He also stressed his belief that ‘ people should have the right to express their views through the ballot box , and he would continue to look for a way to give people the chance to exercise their democratic rights , ’ the department 's spokesman said .
3 Initiatives such as the ‘ quality alert mechanism , ’ which enables a quick feedback of problem areas from general practitioners to the purchasing agency , also have to be seen as straightforward and practical moves to better enable monitoring of contracts through the year .
4 If exchanging contracts through the post and dealing with a sale and purchase , the steps must be carefully synchronised .
5 It acts as a bridge between the natural and the synthetic systems giving greater biocompatibility , or perhaps more properly biotolerance , and confers membrane properties on the hydrogel , allowing transport of oxygen and water soluble metabolites through the polymer matrix .
6 Of course , transmitting values through the curriculum assumes a degree of consensus , the existence of which is questionable in a pluralist society .
7 It also spread English values through the Empire which became hopelessly con fused with ‘ Britishness ’ .
8 Oh , the solemn woods over which the light and shadow travelled swiftly , as if Heavenly wings were sweeping on benignant errands through the summer air ; the smooth green slopes , the glittering water , the garden where the flowers were so sympathetically arranged in clusters of the richest colours , how beautiful they looked !
9 The loggers build roads through the jungle to reach the trees and bring diseases which the Indians have no defences against which kill them .
10 There used to be just the sports in the afternoon ; Mary Clarke and Bill Scott remembered when the races were held on the roads through the village , in the days before there were so many motor cars .
11 The national park has been concerned for some time about the volume of heavy lorries using roads through the park .
12 For the second year running , Alex Back , a senior mechanical engineer with Foster Wheeler Wood Group ( FWWG ) , and his wife Judy will be tackling the rigours of Alpine roads through the middle of winter on the historic version of the Monte Carlo Rally .
13 My duty was to supply conversation to break up the monotony of the heat-haze on the straight roads through the bush .
14 Political change of some kind goes on continuously in every society , in response to a variety of changing internal and external conditions , which include the relation to nature and to other societies , the interaction of groups within each society , and the unceasing circulation of personnel through the disappearance of older generations and the rise of new ones .
15 I believe that the new generation of " 16 bit " machines ( such as the ACT Sirius 1 ) will prove to be well capable of meeting these demands If I may be permitted one small advertisement , I do not expect it to be long before I can fulfil my objective of promoting the use of micros in personnel through the marketing of systems developed specifically for this field .
16 However , a more realistic approach is to see trips as forming a chain , linking activities through the day .
17 They are , in fact , examples of the way that film can cover simultaneous but separate activities through the intercutting of parallel action .
18 The Delivery Team will co-ordinate the schools ' Compact activities through the School Teams .
19 The formulation of restraints upon State activities through the adoption ( often by consensus ) of Resolutions and Codes of Conduct within international organisations makes it hard for a State to claim non-party status , as it can to a treaty it has not ratified .
20 Three times through the winter , Cascade had been within days of being fully formed , only to fall down at the last minute .
21 You would n't you 'd probably find that you would use it half a dozen times through the year .
22 She said thought , she 'll only only let it out about six or eight times through the year !
23 For samples with very low vapor pressures , or for investigation of minor components of a gas stream , a greater path-length is helpful , and this may best be achieved using a folded-path cell with internal mirrors to direct the IR beam several times through the sample .
24 Adults had to crawl nine times through the hole against the sun .
25 Along the riverside , hay would have been cropped several times through the summer , and then , at the end of the summer , the animals who had been on the fallow would be turned on to both the meadowland and the stubble of the arable before coming into the paddocks by the village over the winter , to be stall-fed on the hay cut from the meadow .
26 In London , Nicholas Knightly threaded ribbons through the bodice of his softly draped gown in midnight georgette , while Ghost had the perfect flowing robe for every latter-day Lady Guinevere .
27 The point I am labouring at such length is that there is a large and complicated repertoire of non-verbal behaviour without which it is impossible to communicate meanings through the medium of spoken words and although it is tempting to regard this non-lexical repertoire as something which can be painlessly removed without any significant loss of meaning , the experience of reconstructing talk from a medium in which the representation of this aspect of speech is so poor is a salutary reminder of its importance .
28 All alone on the snowy contour-couch , she clung to the thought that she was going to comfort the spiders ; to twine the jewelled rain of her meanings through the web of their unfulfilment .
29 Above all , the family is a property-owning unit , whether the property is a business , estates , land or houses , so that these resources are controlled and acquired by succeeding generations through the family .
30 They see society and human action as being structured by social rules and values , and portray social systems as reproducing themselves via socialization — the transmission of social values to new generations through the family , the educational system and so on .
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