Example sentences of "[noun pl] on in the " in BNC.

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1 And course they were on hinges , the doors , on er the hinges on in the centre hole under the water and course you always knew where then to , where to fit what we used to call fish for th fish for the chain .
2 I became an expert at putting my rollers on in the dark and listening to the Top Twenty under the sheets .
3 Still on the gardening scene , I 've used these for years in place of plant pots for bringing seeds on in the greenhouse .
4 The structure of any model of the type described above can be captured in the general formulation where is all the autonomous elements and collects together all the coefficients on in the specified model ; i.e. , in the case presented above .
5 There 's a TV shop with all these tellies on in the window , and I stop a bit and watch .
6 Over on the promenade they were already putting the lights on in the shops and cafés .
7 On the rare nights when Zborowski had a sale he left the lights on in the room .
8 ‘ We were buzzed by the US airforce when we were making our video because we had all these massive lights on in the middle of a forest near one of their bases , ’ says Bleach singer Salli .
9 That was why it had been such a shock when the neighbours came round to tell Lily the baby was screaming and there was nobody answering the door or any lights on in the house .
10 There were no lights on in the basement flat and precious little illumination spilling into the enclosed yard from above ; he banged and scraped his hands on table legs and chair legs as he groped around , and he even cracked his head a couple of times .
11 I looked up , saw some lights on in the flat .
12 Bringing the lights on in the rocks
13 It was also discovered that egg production could be boosted by leaving lights on in the houses all night to fool the hens into thinking that it was still daylight .
14 I think they did n't like a lot of bright light in the house in the fifties , er and of course before that and er now that people they 've got such good lighting in the offices where they work that they feel that , well they ca n't bear to poor lighting at home and yet there are still people who will watch a colour television with er no lights on in the room at all
15 But luckily enough I got up and walked round the back and I could just see the lights on in the living room downstairs .
16 Nor is it any more than the incidental music to a play that captured the composer 's imagination and inspired him to conjure up the ‘ goings on in the Magicked Athenian wood ’ .
17 ‘ The major bankers have also been very close to goings on in the Bond Corporation for some time . ’
18 ‘ If I 've got my pants on in the second scene , I think they 've sent me the wrong script , ’ he says .
19 Sales brochures on in the UK , Europe and world-wide can be obtained by calling .
20 Some people even leave radios on in the house , so that there 's not only the light on , but if somebody does walk up the drive intending to knock on the door to test it , before they get to the door they can hear a noise , they turn around and go back .
21 What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the near future ?
22 There were two large vegetable dishes with lids on in the centre of the table and , beyond them , on an oval plate , was a roasted chicken , brown and shiny with stuffing oozing from one end .
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