Example sentences of "[noun pl] between the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The objectives of these committees are to facilitate an exchange of views between the police and the wider community on issues of local concern ; to help resolve conflict between the police and dissenting sections of the community ; to encourage self-help and crime prevention activities ; and to educate or inform the public regarding everyday police matters ( Morgan , 1989 ) .
2 The inter-relationships between the flows will be at the centre of the proposed research .
3 The inter-relationships between the parts are of crucial significance .
4 Even if these criteria were generally accepted as determinative , there is no evidence that all ( or even any ) of these factors were present in the contracts between the creditors and the Tin Council .
5 The terms can be drafted so as to provide that all contracts between the parties are to be governed by those terms , and a copy of the terms can be signed by trading partners at the commencement of a trading relationship .
6 It seems that a course of dealing can be established even though the terms have never been incorporated into any of the contracts between the parties .
7 Furthermore , the reforms which had been implemented up to 1990 did not emerge from discussions between the communities concerned and the government but have been imposed from above .
8 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
9 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
10 These are often ad hoc verbal discussions between the individuals directly affected , sometimes requiring official blessing , sometimes requiring no further action .
11 Discussions between the inspectors and manufacturers were a trade secret , but the Inspectorate tried to avoid placing ‘ an undue burden on manufacturing industry ’ .
12 Full definition will be included in the purchase and sale contract of the accounting standards and policies that will apply to the Completion Accounts , which will be those accounting standards and policies adopted in the accounts for the year ended [ date ] but as amended by any discussions between the parties following due diligence , in order to avoid subjective judgements .
13 If the lease requires the service of a notice , informal discussions between the parties are unlikely to be held to amount to a review of the rent ( Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Anthony Gibbs Financial Services Ltd ( 1983 ) 267 EG 351 ) .
14 Terms of reference that go beyond these matters will result from discussions between the parties , and probably the expert as well , where it is convenient to have terms of reference separate from procedural directions .
15 Rumours proliferated of disagreements between the leaders of the NKLP and SKLP and these were justified .
16 This and other more personal disagreements between the founders of the IWA led in 1951 to Rolt 's withdrawal from the association .
17 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
18 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
19 The war of 1689 – 97 saw a long series of such contacts between the belligerents almost from its outbreak ; and the final settlement stemmed from protracted discussions between French and Dutch emissaries in 1694 – 96 .
20 We decided therefore to further characterize the DNA-protein contacts between the oligonucleotides and F9 nuclear proteins using dimethylsulfate interference analysis .
21 This research aims to monitor the continuing but tentative humanitarian , parliamentary and economic contacts between the regimes to detect any changes in their positions , and to gauge what impact their contacts are having upon their domestic politics .
22 DNA sequence recognition is achieved largely by hydrogen-bond contacts between the bases and amino-acid side chains located on a β -ribbon , a mode of recognition previously hypothesized on the basis of modelling of idealized β -strands and DNA , and mutagenesis of the Salmonella phage P22 repressors Arc and Mnt .
23 The results can be seen in the form of the spur profiles between the meanders .
24 DIP systems come into their own when you need rapid access to paperwork or you can not afford long lead times between the documents arriving and being available for reference .
25 Obviously not only the sequence neighbouring the position for a modification but also other determinants in the tRNA influence the interactions between the tRNAs and most tRNA-modifying enzymes .
26 Polymers containing polar groups , e.g. Cl , CN , or OH , can be held rigid , and aligned , in a polymer matrix by the strong dipole-dipole interactions between the substituents , but the effect is most obvious in the symmetrical polyamides .
27 The strong interactions between the quarks are supposed to be carried by spin-1 particles called gluons , rather like the particles that carry the weak interaction .
28 As a result , in sCD2 the association involves main-chain hydrogen bonding between the tips of the CC' and FG loops , augmented by direct interactions between the residues on the GFCC'C sheets ( residues are detailed in Fig.2 ) .
29 But rapid anti-Hebbian modification of the mutual interactions between the neurons at one level should work rather well if combined with slower Hebbian modification of the synapses feeding excitation from a lower level .
30 In the Origin of Species Darwin gave an illustration of the unexpected complexity of the interactions between the organisms inhabiting a particular area .
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