Example sentences of "[noun pl] said that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In evaluations of the length of time spent on supervised clinical allocation before employment , the vast majority of course tutors said that course members felt that time allowed was inadequate , and would happily have continued for longer .
2 Vellayati said that Iran 's relations with the republics would be formulated " through Moscow " ; observers noted a rivalry for influence in the area between Iran and Turkey .
3 Leaders of opposition factions said that Mr Yeltsin 's easy ride meant they were simply holding their fire for a more opportune moment to challenge the government during the nine-day Congress .
4 Sources close to the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries said that weekend talks in Vienna achieved consensus that cuts in output were needed to avert a serious fall in revenue for the 12 member states .
5 A hell of a roar went up in the canteen at lunch break when one of the shop stewards said that Clasper would go on fighting on behalf of the workers until every bloody one of them had lost their jobs .
6 An official of Libyan Arab Airlines said that reports of a mid-air collision between the airliner and a Libyan military aircraft were being investigated .
7 The IFS report Counting People With Low Incomes said that refusal ‘ does nothing to allay fears that the changes were for political rather than bona fide methodological reasons ’ .
8 It also cites RISC Management Newsletter , which suggests that Precision Architecture RISC is the industry leader in RISC-system and related software sales , saying that analysis of 1992 RISC-system revenues said that Precision Architecture RISC has achieved more than 30% of an estimated $17,500m market .
9 First , while 64% of all such organisations said that information technology planning was an integral part of their business strategy , the remaining 36% planned their business policy first and implemented their computing systems later .
10 US officials said that imports from China had increased by 42 per cent in the first six months while US exports to China had risen by only 18.4 per cent , and the US trade deficit with China was expected to rise to US$15 billion .
11 Oil industry officials said that Mexico would have to import some petrol products until a new 300,000 bpd plant was completed .
12 No group claimed responsibility , but PLO officials said that Zayd had come to Tunis in October 1989 among a group of defectors from the Revolutionary Council of Fatah led by Sabri al-Banna ( Abu Nidal ) , who had been expelled from the PLO in 1974 .
13 Officials said that President de Klerk was severely shaken by his meetings with Mrs Thatcher and Sir Geoffrey Howe , then Foreign Secretary .
14 White House officials said that President Bush was loath to impose burdens on industry as the country began to emerge from recession .
15 According to Les Echos , union officials said that Pache would give no indication of the size or timing of staff losses .
16 The statements said that NATO remained essential but welcomed the growth of a " European identity " in defence matters , expressed in the European Communities ( EC ) and in the Western European Union ( WEU ) .
17 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said that building societies and other mortgage lenders had supported money advice centres either directly or through the Money Advice Trust .
18 Regulations said that instructors must go up periodically , but he was always glad when they touched down .
19 As a result , rebel sources said that RAM had changed its name to the Nationalist Revolutionary Alliance and evolved into a more civilian-military association .
20 EC commission sources said that Sir Leon Brittan , competition commissioner , would be looking at the deal to see if Air France was breaking EC rules , in so tightening its grip on short-haul air services within mainland Europe .
21 Reports using Kurdish opposition sources said that Saddam Hussein had named Brig. -Gen .
22 Political sources said that Mitterrand loyalists were already in touch with Gaullist Edouard Balladur , 63 , widely expected to head the next government , to discuss the handover from the present prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy .
23 More than 100,000 refugees from the fighting were reportedly stranded on the banks of the Oxus river , between Tajikistan and Afghanistan ; relief agencies said that people were dying of cold in the freezing conditions .
24 Reports citing delegates said that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia had been particularly reluctant , ostensibly on grounds of cost , to endorse large numbers of permanently stationed Egyptian and Syrian troops and had favoured instead a commitment to deploy forces rapidly to the area in times of crisis .
25 Olsens said that Sunday working would be essential to keep the yard open .
26 Firms said that tax complexity and administrative problems were the major hurdles in the path of extending freedom of choice .
27 Martens said that van Basten , 28 , will be out of action for at least four months , and only then will doctors be able to assess if he can return to top class soccer .
28 Witnesses said that directives give the flexibility needed by member states .
29 Several witnesses said that Slatter started the brawl .
30 Neighbours said that Magee had moved into a terrace house in Silver Hill Road , Derby , with his wife , Fiona , and 12-month-old son , Seamus , early last year .
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