Example sentences of "[noun pl] came back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were sold at auction , his library dispersed , but many of his , books came back to Lamb House as gifts to the Henry James Room .
2 Aycliffe 's eyes came back to her face .
3 Her eyes came back to her father 's face and she drew a breath .
4 The songs came back to her now , and she thought of all the things she had n't had : a junior prom , dates , valentines , flowers .
5 His brothers came back with stories of heaving and hacking coal : even Daddy Ni still worked at the face : even Elfed , seen as the over-restraining killjoy , worked down there .
6 Unbidden , Antoinette 's angry words came back into her mind , and niggled there .
7 Her words came back to me as I pictured her sitting by the fire in her tiny croft .
8 Doyle 's words came back to him .
9 But the next time Cecilia saw Daphne Bleech-Palmer Tina 's words came back to her and she was for a while shy and constrained .
10 I was beginning to understand a lot I 'd never known about before , and for the first time that day Toby 's fatal unthinking words came back to me : " One day she 'll have a baby without ever having understood what love really means . "
11 As she began each one , Mum 's words came back to her and she felt her cheeks growing hot .
12 Gilbert Racy 's words came back to her .
13 Unbidden , Suzie 's words came back to her .
14 It paid dividends and , as the scheme grew , many of the beneficiaries came back in order to help others .
15 When his lips came back to hers , Jenna was soft and pliant , no resistance in her at all , and he rolled on to his back , pulling her over him fiercely and cupped her hot face in strong fingers .
16 Before darkness fell , and the attempt could be made , Edward 's heralds came back for their answer .
17 Scouts came back to them to tell that the ford was unguarded .
18 In terms of visiting and recorded contacts with other agencies , the specialist team displayed a clearer pattern of activities than the other teams : while cases remained open they visited more , and did not ‘ monitor only ’ ; if closed and re-opened , cases came back for re-assessment in fewer numbers ; and in both categories the rate of contacts with other agencies was higher .
19 Clapping their wings the gulls came back from the sea ,
20 Miss Philimore 's self-satisfied tones came back to her as she fumbled with the tiny envelope .
21 The goal though , was against the run of play and sure enough , Rovers came back at the start of the second half with an equaliser from Kenny Irons .
22 The damp retreated down the walls , the gardens came back to life and there was fresh food in the kitchen .
23 The keys came back through the post , without even a thank-you note .
24 The visitors came back into the game with two penalty goals by Graves and could have turned ends 9–9 had he been successful with his third penalty goal on half-time .
25 There was an unexplained delay of five or ten minutes — perhaps while the searchlight crews came back to their action stations on the great lights , including the five-foot beam on the west bank a mile or so downstream from the port , and the light commanding the river from the end of the Old Mole .
26 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
27 A tow to the SS Reina Del Pacifico was followed by a wash in the Chief Petty Officers ' quarters , interrupted by two hits on the ship from a French battery , and when the canoeists came back on deck they found the canoe had been stripped by souvenir hunters , who now began asking for autographs .
28 The Dili watchers came back to the Company headquarters to find the 2/2 was now linked to Brigadier Veale 's 200 survivors of Sparrow Force with a base at Mape , in the hills ( see map p. 77 ) .
29 Less than an hour later they were back in number twenty-six , and she was so tired that she was past worrying about having to sleep in the same room but , confronted by the reality of the limited space , two small beds and a very large , powerful man , her nervous fears came back like a river in full spate .
30 And so they sat with clammy hands for an hour and a half and let go only when the lights came back on .
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