Example sentences of "[noun pl] ' [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There are other provisions of the 1981 Act which have either created difficulties in practice ( as in the case of s.8 which is headed ‘ Confidentiality of Jury 's Deliberations ’ ) or which have been interpreted restrictively ( as in the case of s.10 , which is concerned with the protection of journalists ' sources of information ) .
2 Freedom of the press encompassed " journalists ' freedom of expression and of creation , access to sources of information , protection of independence and professional confidentiality , and the right to establish newspapers and other publications " .
3 " On Free and Latent Semantic Energy " , by Claes Schaar , is based on informants ' interpretation of fragments of language in isolation , such as literary quotations , maxims and sayings .
4 Secondly , we were struck by the Scots ' awareness of the beauty of their own culture and history , this well reflected in the music that they showed us .
5 It could be argued that the weights reflect the decision-makers ' theory of investment desirability , but what theory could rate NPV 333 per cent more important than process yield and ten times as important as basic R&D ?
6 He was educated at Bridgnorth School , and then apprenticed to a London clothworker , becoming a freeman in the Clothworkers ' Company of London in 1541 or 1542 ( and its master in 1559 ) .
7 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
8 If others copy it , insurers ' loss of competitiveness will be short-lived .
9 Those of us who have criticised the Government 's and western nations ' lack of urgency in providing appropriate assistance to the Soviet Union will also welcome the new steps and the energy that is being shown in this area If , as the Prime Minister rightly says , the protection of non-proliferation is the absolute key to world peace , why are the Government seeking to increase the number of nuclear warheads that are carried on Trident , when they have the option of keeping the number the same , at a time when the rest of the world is decreasing them ?
10 These will aim to eliminate non-strategic nuclear weapons from Europe , and to reduce the strategic weapons possessed by the US , the former Soviet Union , Britain , France and China — a vital step towards the day when individual nations ' possession of nuclear deterrents ceases to be necessary .
11 The decision was also influenced by the fact that when the museum was founded in 1987 , it was clearly specified that it would include other nations ' views of Germany and its history .
12 These villages lie way beyond the reach of limited government services , which were shown to be in crisis last year when the island group was added to the United Nations ' list of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs ) .
13 In our case , of course , it is a mature , open and enquiring critical mind that leads us to read on into the churls ' tales of " harlotrie " , not a degrading taste for such material and a lack of interest in : We might see the combination of the intrinsically low status of the Miller and the consequently low expectations of what he will produce with the sophistication of his narrative performance as simply an entertaining absurdity , or perhaps a burlesque , like Chauntecleer 's discursive pomp and display in the Nun 's Priest 's Tale .
14 Imran Khan , Pakistan 's captain , has hinted a nagging shoulder injury might prevent him from playing throughout the World Cup winners ' tour of England this summer .
15 But the long-shot has defied the odds and cantered into the winners ' enclosure of top selling games .
16 It is important , therefore , that all the circumstances are considered during a Procedure Audit , including peoples ' views of problems and potential solutions .
17 Once stereotyping takes place it is difficult to change peoples ' perceptions of a particular role .
18 Neither the government nor the consortium has consulted the area 's Indian peoples about the concession ; at least seven Indian communities of Caribs , Arawak , Warau and Akawaio lie within the concession and the Amerindian Peoples ' Association of Guyana has appealed for the concession to be suspended .
19 Third parties interested in moving product into the Peoples ' Republic of China on the back of this new Unix System Labs joint venture , Unix System Technology China Ltd ( UX No 411 ) , should get in touch with USL 's Far East operation , Unix System Laboratories Pacific , until such time as the China unit actually gets off the ground .
20 Their purpose is to convey the peoples ' mode of perception and suggest their interpretation of phenomena .
21 ‘ Anthropologists ' study of human societies on this planet [ has ] revealed the condition of women to be a direct result of their peoples ' perception of their mysterious , fearsome , monthly flow of blood . ’
22 The effectiveness of metaphors of the type in which inanimates are treated as animate is shown in passages of narratorial description where they are deployed in a fully developed form , for example in a lengthy passage where the pre-Copernican view of the universe ( which still pervades the English language ) is exploited and combined with the peoples ' perception of animacy in all things : " The moon rose slowly and almost vertically into a sky where there was nothing but a few spilled traces of cloud .
23 Staff were asked to rate their overall impression of the Back Office system but , as can be see from the branch perception graph , at the beginning of this year the measure was split to get a clearer understanding of branches ' perception of availability and response times .
24 Only a day after reporting the second year of falling personal computer sales ( CI No 2,157 ) , the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association says that Japanese manufacturers ' shipments of personal computers jumped 6.2% in unit terms during the January to March quarter from a year earlier , and the rise in combined exports and domestic sales to 688,000 units from 648,000 units in the year-earlier quarter marked the first quarterly rise in two years ; exports rocketed 31% to 144,000 units but domestic shipments only inched up 1.1% to 544,000 units , but was still the first quarterly increase in two-and-a-half years ; because of the price wars , combined export and domestic shipments of made-in-Japan micros — when measured in currency terms , fell 8.3% — exports and home sales each off 8% .
25 Until it slipped last year , British manufacturers ' share of the volume of world exports had been broadly stable at 7% since 1981 , after falling continuously since the 1950s .
26 The industry secretary , Peter Lilley , has just announced a government initiative to address this problem , as part of a wider drive to improve all manufacturers ' handling of technical innovation and to push forward what Mr Lilley calls a cultural revolution in British business .
27 Manufacturers ' rate of return on capital has jumped from 2% to 10% .
28 If speed is of the essence — and all marketing surveys say it is — then the microwave is the manufacturers ' version of the licence to print money .
29 By boycotting products which are overpackaged , you will ultimately change manufacturers ' methods of presenting their goods .
30 The full manufacturers ' list of 24 models which were considered not satisfactory ( and presumably failed the government test ) is : Boots 500 ; Brother MF1200PW and MF3200DB ; Electrolux NF4061 , NF4065 and NF4076 ; Goldstar ER350ME and ER535ME ; Hoover H6312 ; Matsui 260TC ; Moulinex 059 ; Philips AVM625 and AVM734 ; Proline M3030 ; Russel Hobbs 8504 ; Samsung RE570D , RE576D and RE990CT ; Sanyo EM2714BR ; Sharp R-7A50M and R-8H50(B)T ; Toshiba ER9610EW-1 and ER9630E ; Tricity MH1081 .
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