Example sentences of "[noun pl] might [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The Collector fell silent , hoping that these words might bring the meeting to an end without leaving too great a schism between the two factions .
2 London Branch thought fellow members in other branches might like the chance to hear an insider 's informed opinion , before they decide for themselves !
3 The formation of such complexes might prevent the viral genes from being replicated , or from being used to direct the manufacture of viral proteins .
4 For example in the theoretical or epistemological sphere , foundationalism would entail the belief that concepts or statements somehow correspond to the real world ; in ethics , foundationalists might propound the belief in an unconditional ethics .
5 To refuse access to such information on the basis of national security considerations might open the possibility of the case against Noriega being dismissed on the grounds that the defendant was being denied information essential to his defence .
6 Mr Lenarduzzi 's sleep is also disturbed by the thought that the interests of the nation may only be served at the expense of local needs or , indeed , that purely academic considerations might distort the wider implications of a proper education .
7 Starfarers in less well-protected vessels might hear the scrabbling of claws upon their hulls , or wailing incoherent voices , lascivious enticements , rumblings of wrath .
8 An analysis of the traditional functions of heads might produce the following list :
9 If this is translated into terms of school management , the combination of quantitative and qualitative aspects might entail the organization and measurement of effective learning .
10 The fly-by-night supporters might believe the hype about the current English team but the genuine rugby supporters know that the real rugby is played in the Southern Hemisphere .
11 But just a few miles away from where Jilly Cooper lives is a REAL hamlet called Paradise , and villagers there are worried that readers might think the book is based on them .
12 The authors now propose a checklist against which readers might evaluate the introduction of a management information system in their own institutions .
13 He thought of Fantina 's little face , and groaned that her eyes might see the sordid , futile world that he had to enter to work and survive .
14 They suggested that the repeated occurrence of similar losses might increase the likelihood of believing oneself to blame for the event .
15 ( And the communes might ask the pope , as they did in 1199 , to order out the troops of a neighbouring town in their defence . )
16 Non-believers and doubtless some believers might regard the threat of violation of the daughter 's person as preferable to the daughter 's death .
17 Such variables might include the cost of capital , the interplay of corporate cash flow , the structure of the international competitive market , the uncertainties of Europe after 1992 , the future of Pacific Rim development , social developments with respect to labor , political developments in Eastern Europe , the Middle East , and the Third World , and technological research and change .
18 After initially welcoming this movement , Plekhanov , Lenin and other ‘ orthodox ’ Social Democrats became afraid that concentration on immediate economic goals might lead the emergent labour movement to become preoccupied with merely economic rather than political goals .
19 For instance , a breastfeeding promotion campaign that focuses too much on child health goals might miss the fact that six half-hour feedings per day would seriously burden already over-worked and time-constrained mothers .
20 The 1986 NACAB AGM overwhelmingly passed a resolution expressing concern that the proposals might change the fundamental character of the CAB service and might prejudice its independence , would cut legal services and reduce freedom of choice of legal service to the poor and would damage working relationships between CABx and legal aid practitioners , other advice agencies and law centres .
21 Arsenal 's opponents might consider the scheme — dreamed up by vice chairman David Dein and managing director Ken Friar — just a little too clever and the FA have been considering the implications since Mirror Sport 's exclusive story last week .
22 Sadly , unscrupulous ski resorts might misuse the new polymer , surreptitiously dusting it on the slopes of their rivals .
23 Their success hinges on deceiving the female and , since this is achieved by having a separate territory for each female , it is easy to see how larger and more experienced birds might have the advantage .
24 Sparry crystal aggregates might display the outline of primary void systems under CL ( Fig. 6.3a , b ) , providing more information on porosity evolution than available with transmitted light alone .
25 And these opportunities were very considerable ; later generations might see the eighteenth-century empire as a monument to the constrictions of mercantilism , but at the time people saw it as the largest area of unrestricted trade in the world and it offered excellent prospects for men like the sugar and tobacco merchants of Glasgow .
26 Calculating that the kidnappers might use the same initial rendezvous , Zen had informed Bartocci , who had authorized a phone-tap .
27 A storm or violent gale might disperse the combined fleets ; France has no port in the Channel ; in fact , innumerable mischances might ruin the enterprise .
28 The motivation for our search was to see how signs might support the spoken message in schools , how deaf children could be given the benefit of the happy accident which allowed two modalities to be used simultaneously to present two languages .
29 The suggestion made to the Argyll interest was that an order from the Board of Customs should be sent to Wigtown demanding the attendance of these officers in Edinburgh on the day of election , whereby it was hoped that a party of Lord Galloway 's enemies might carry the day .
30 According to the applicants in the main proceedings , paragraph 13 of the judgment in the Pesca Valentia case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 constitute a fair description of the effect of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 but no argument for the proposition that member states might define the conditions for registration without reference to basic principles of Community law .
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