Example sentences of "[noun pl] out of the " in BNC.

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1 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
2 The mean ol' Gruzzles ca n't read and they do n't want any one else to be able to read so they have stolen all the words out of the books .
3 The air in the wood was damp and smelt of peat , the path was muddy and wet , and it was exhausting constantly pushing brambles and twigs out of the way .
4 I saw one player push fans out of the way at the Australian Open this year .
5 He swung his legs out of the bed and realised with a shock what day it was .
6 ‘ I got my legs out of the way and curled up in a ball on the driver 's seat .
7 She handed him his denim jacket and swung her legs out of the car .
8 When he realised his mammy was at the door , he swung his legs out of the chair and came rushing to greet her .
9 Then she swung her legs out of the bed and hurriedly got dressed .
10 With no clear plan in her head , she pushed her legs out of the bed .
11 I jumped straight off the table and ran through his legs out of the room .
13 Downstairs , the Sikhs , the Magistrate , Rayne , a couple of young ensigns , and a motley collection of indigo planters and Eurasians , were engaged in a desperate fight to keep the sepoys out of the building ; but already they were being driven back from doors and windows .
14 Carmichael wanted to avoid the risk of plucking remedies out of the air and then casting round for arguments to support them , which , he said , was the common practice in local authorities .
15 The first steps out of the greenhouse
16 The first steps out of the greenhouse
17 Occasionally , character steps out of the angular interlocking patterns to hold a bowl or pour from a jug .
18 An askari salutes as Fairfax steps out of the car in uniform .
19 Fairfax steps out of the car .
20 I 've seen the movie , too — Rainbow and I watched it together , in Hampstead , on an Old Weepies double bill : the ageless heroine walks two steps out of the enchanted valley of Shangri-La and time 's ravages hit her all at once .
21 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
22 I have absolutely no conscience about taking this stuff from Ellis , who incidentally has shunted Plutarch off to a luxurious cattery and is still wrestling at getting the hairs out of the carpets .
23 But then I saw ghastly yellow figures staggering like drunkards out of the wall of smoke …
24 It 's not the business of social services staff , from directors downwards , to pull their chestnuts out of the fire by disguising the facts .
25 With the Charter and the political precepts of the paper firmly in place , all that was needed was to drag a few journalists out of the pubs and set them to work .
26 I have seen photographs of orca , both still and movie , close-up and underwater , but nothing prepares me for the sight of a real one that scythes out of the water 100 metres or so away from the boat .
27 Ended up we had to get her and the kids out of the house and get them somewhere to stay the night .
28 ‘ I 'll be the first to pull my kids out of the school if this curriculum is introduced , ’ says Anna Saez , parent association head of the Elmhurst public school .
29 We had difficulty persuading our kids out of the creche and into their different groups , they liked the wee ones so much !
30 Super-hip fashion accessory or just a way of keeping the kids out of the amusement arcades ?
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