Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 British Waterways would charge for the service , as they do at Gloucester .
2 When he spoke it was in a barely audible voice as if he feared that his words would carry beyond the four walls .
3 Not all words would suffice for this , but the number of standard forms used gradually increased .
4 The formal incantation of such words would suffice for the tribunal to remain within the scope of its authority .
5 The newspaper , relying on the Lewis case , said that the words would mean to the ordinary reader no more than that an inquiry was underway , and that Hayward would be able to assist it .
6 As I have explained , in such a case the adoption of the literal meaning of the statutory words would lead to a result whereby the taxpayer is assessed at an amount greater than that charged by the employer to the public for the same service .
7 Order , for example can function as a noun or as a verb and the transition probabilities of both senses to following words would have to be computed .
8 So Daedalus expects that the various currencies would diversify into different ‘ economic niches ’ .
9 Willie Learmouth the session clerk came by today for the Intimations and he 's an awful nice man , one of Nature 's Gentlemen , went to Allan Glen 's when that meant something , his wife 's got a plastic hip but you never hear him complain , anyway he sat down to a wee cup of tea and naturally he could not resist my all butter shortbread ‘ Nettie , ’ says he , ‘ your petticoat tails would melt in a man 's mouth . ’
10 Those were the days … what the County Ground fans would give for something like this tomorrow …
11 The overwhelming case for his inclusion was neither as Archbishop nor as martyr but as author of the magnificent liturgy which held the Church together during the tribulations of the next century , and above all for his Collects , which Anglicans through four centuries would learn by heart as children and recite when they came to die .
12 Their legs would need to be proportionately stronger , more like a reptile 's or a mammal 's , in which case they would need to have the metabolism of either a reptile or a mammal .
13 ‘ Frankly , ’ he snapped , ‘ if I had my way those lists would go into the dustbin , the lot of them .
14 Schools would deal with one or two topics at a time .
15 Two alternative initiation codons are located at nucleotide positions 397 and 619 within the same open reading frame as the first ; initiation of translation from these two start signals would result in peptide chains of 571 and 497 amino acids , respectively .
16 For a sample containing only one type of atom these signals would correspond to the expected s , p , d … sub-shells of the core shells .
17 Significantly , Macleod announced during his speech that the government planned to ensure that Hong Kong 's fiscal reserves would stand at HK$71,600 million by March 1997 ( Hong Kong was to revert to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997 ) .
18 Might it not follow that other steps would need to be taken to help curb local unacceptable populations of rats and mice ?
19 Reform could take many guises , but there would have to be large investment in housing renewal , educational provision and job creation , while steps would need to be taken to reduce the real but , Scarman argued , not institutionalized , racism apparent within the Metropolitan Police .
20 Once all water which contains or could on present trends contain , 50 mg/litre nitrate is designated ‘ vulnerable ’ , steps would have to be taken to reduce nitrate pollution .
21 Marryat 's readers would bring at least some associations and some understanding to this piece of special pleading .
22 So I was wondering whether FACE readers would write to me to help me with my research .
23 This view depends , of course , on seeing the reader , not as a unique individual , a private being , but as a vessel or meeting point for a variety of cultural codes and literary conventions , and it is in these terms and not those of affective experience that reading and readers would have to be discussed : the reader qua reader is as much the product of a ‘ grammar ’ ( however loosely this notion may now be conceived ) as was the text in classical structuralism .
24 But soon the big stories were written in the knowledge that readers would know at least the bare bones from a news bulletin , and the 24-hour cycle of the daily paper lost much of its point as a news medium .
25 These trips would proceed on the basis that Richard Branson 's lack of musical expertise was less of a liability than Simon Draper 's lack of salesmanship .
26 Some lexical units , even though established , are selected only in specific restricted contexts , or in contexts where the primary units would lead to abnormality .
27 To rectify this state of affairs , the Report recommended a unified scheme , on a regional basis , within which both common and specialized units would cater for the various needs of part-time teachers .
28 These units would consist of three specially trained officers , driving around in Rover 827s , with each unit armed with two self-loading carbines and three handguns .
29 Allegheny West had a greater percentage of units for which bond issue loans were allocated and a still greater percentage allocated to investors than its percentage of North Side units would account for .
30 Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation .
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