Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [adv] part " in BNC.

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1 Prolonged temper tantrums were not part of his personality .
2 Books were frequently part of ‘ non-monetary ’ exchanges .
3 Yet if Leonard 's fleet feet were still part of his youthfulness , there were signs of bodily frailty ; he bore the only real wounds of the contest , a cut to the lip sustained early on and a more serious one over the left eye in the 11th round .
4 Palaeontologists realised about 50 years ago that the separate elements were really part of a skeletal apparatus of some sort — perhaps the jaw apparatus or gill support structure of primitive vertebrates or invertebrates .
5 Texts were inevitably part of their culture , as were the individuals who wrote them under the shaping constraints of state , family , religion .
6 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
7 The Merkuts were not part of the Golden Clan , but the remark contained a certain amount of truth .
8 These can be said to represent only a development from earlier kinds of craft support , but the general situation was qualitatively new , in that work in this area became indispensable , in the advanced technologies , even though there could still be doubt whether such workers were truly part of the cultural production .
9 Sexual intrigues were almost part of the culture of high politics , and were commonplace in big Whig and Tory families in the early nineteenth century .
10 The VDs were n't part of her arsenal , but she would have appreciated their style .
11 Indeed , the nineteenth century English philosopher , Herbert Spencer , had already constructed theories of human society based on Darwin 's evolutionary ideas and his writings were again part of Park 's reading .
12 Individuals were also part of extended households so their absences would immediately be noticed .
13 The passages were not part of the ratio of the decision by which we are bound and with which I respectfully agree .
14 It was becoming easy enough to find biochemical changes that occurred when an animal learned ; the problem was to show that such changes were really part of the memory-making process .
15 If these principles were not part of the staple diet of home life , the battle was ‘ already half lost ’ , no matter how skilled teachers , social workers or other professionals might be in making up the deficiency .
16 Unplanned interruptions were not part of his repertoire .
17 Whilst national debate has shifted the focus of urban regeneration policy away from the narrowly defined goals of physical development , the extension of its boundaries has forced MDC to confront the issues of jobs , training and social housing provision , although MDC would argue that these objectives were always part of its long-term agenda .
18 Moreover , since the 1788 petitions were not part of a movement pursuing significant change in the political system or attacking the range of government policy , the application of humanitarian and general interest criteria to a question of trade probably appeared relatively innocuous to those who were not directly involved .
19 He did not know what this was , but most tyre fitters were now part of it .
20 Mr Lang said that the allocations were only part of the story since authorities could also spend their capital receipts and use revenue to fund capital expenditure .
21 Chopsticks were never part of Thai culture ; a spoon and fork replace hands these days .
22 The Martineaus were also part of this cultivated group for whom antislavery was an aspect of their general liberalism .
23 Sale stalls with railwayana , a booking office and a mock-up of a steam locomotive cab with basic controls were also part of the attractions .
24 When significant parts of the system are reformed , we have no test to tell us whether the outcome is an improper breach of the constitutional order , a proper amendment , or whether the reformed institutions were not part of the ‘ constitution ’ at all .
25 That the compliments were just part of the softening-up process . ’
26 Sir , you will remember in the deposit , Skelton was inset , although these two fields were not part of the inset .
27 Although the main basis of action was immediate issues the leading militants were frequently part of the wider socialist movement in the area and many were associated , however loosely , with the ideas of the Institute for Workers Control .
28 Though drawings were not part of the dramatic price increases of art during the late 1980s , it does not seem justified to claim that they went untouched by the general downturn of 1991 .
29 It seemed as if the nurses were already part of the angelic host as they flew along the outdoor corridors with provisions , that the Steward 's staff , under the direction of Mr Charles Read , soon to be a Desert Rat , had brought in from West Kensington , Fulham and Chelsea .
30 The steely granite-grey eyes beneath their deeply hooded lids were only part of his dark attraction .
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