Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In Newham the development officer 's heaviest referral months were May to September , and January and February ( the summer holiday and severest winter weeks ) ; in Ipswich the pattern was slightly different , with January and February being low referral months , but with October , December and March matching the high referral summer months .
2 Second , that a high proportion of the contributors to avant-garde movements were immigrants to such a metropolis , not only from outlying national regions but from other and smaller national cultures , now often seen as culturally provincial in relation to the metropolis ( e.g. , the typical figure of Guillaume Apollinaire — born Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrovwitzki and his eventual role in Paris ) .
3 Their companies were advisers to the employment agency 's cash call .
4 Poor communication and a lack of understanding of their respective needs were core to the failure of the book trade and FE to get the most out of each other .
5 Pagans were as much atheists to Christians as Christians were atheists to pagans .
6 Unlike casual labour , skilled workers were heir to a tradition of militancy .
7 Indeed it can be argued that the churches in such places were heir to a ‘ purer ’ tradition than Rome 's , because it was not diluted and distorted by Pauline thought ; it was something closer to what Jesus himself , James and the original Nazarean hierarchy would have propagated .
8 It was very much an artisan street this , but with a smattering of richer folk , too , so the shearmen , scribblers , shoemakers , carpenters and shop-keepers were neighbours to an attorney and two well-heeled clothiers — Thomas Clement , employing 11 scribblers and 12 shearmen , and Henry Sheppard , who even described himself as a ‘ Gentleman ’ .
9 The number of people who have been convicted of an offence and whose life stories were inspirations to others , or who have produced literature in , or after imprisonment is large . )
10 While Keynes 's ideas overlapped with Liberalism , his philosophy taught him that all political principles were expedients to be adopted or discarded on ethical grounds .
11 He sketched out its original business plan on the back of a napkin in 1983 ( a time when napkins were home to many new ideas ) .
12 The days when teachers discouraged their pupils from reading Shelley and Tennyson , because these poets were anathema to Leavis , are now long gone .
13 In Japan the supreme virtues were loyalty to one 's ruler , one 's lord or one 's immediate superior , and filial piety .
14 Both departments were heir to the Chadwickian and Benthamite politics of the 1830s but each had crystallized a specific mode of social intervention .
15 Before the Report was published teachers were prey to the wildest fantasies about its contents — we would insist on rote-learning , daily exercises in grammar , no more creative writing .
16 The prices were £33,500 to £39,000 .
17 These hatches were openings to an underground stream running from Castle Street via Scots Lane and Bedwin Street then , after a right hand diversion via Rollestone Street , Brown Street and the Friary to join the River Avon again near Riverside Walk .
18 wrote that Woods 's sportsmanship was never questioned and that drawn games were anathema to him ; he was always out to win .
19 His views were anathema to me .
20 The results of the 1983 and 1987 general elections were pointers to this problem .
21 His only other commitments were visits to the Pritchetts .
22 Such claims were anathema to conservative thinkers , and a host of writers led by Adam Sedgwick and Hugh Miller fulminated against Vestiges and its influence .
23 The coat was capacious , a home to guns , and the boots were home to knives .
24 ABOVE Emil Du Bois-Reymond , the 19th-century German physiologist who showed that muscular nerve impulses were a–in to electricity .
25 Unions were anathema to him .
26 Central to these events were invitations to a number of Norseman operators and owners to bring their aircraft to Red Lake for the weekend and join in with the festivities .
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