Example sentences of "[noun pl] or at the " in BNC.

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1 Items that do not respond to immediate cleaning are placed in to soak , rather than holding up progress , and dealt with later during slack times or at the end of a session .
2 Guests often spend as much time here as in the well-appointed lounges or at the friendly bar , before dining in the attractive restaurant which offers a choice of menu .
3 These conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries and copies of the conditions which apply to your holiday journey may be available for inspection either at our offices or at the office of the carrier concerned .
4 The increased use of personal computers means that files of secret information may be left lying around on a cassette or floppy disc in unlocked offices or at the homes of executives .
5 Additional patches are therefore needed on the shoulders or at the top of the arms .
6 What is important is that ( a ) large numbers of people are involved ; ( b ) some of them are at a greater risk than the general population due to pre-existing cardiac or respiratory conditions and/or prolonged exposure in homes or at the workplace ; and ( c ) there is no ‘ safe ’ level of exposure to carcinogens .
7 There are 132 medicines in human clinical trials or at the FDA for approval .
8 In developed and developing countries alike indigenous paraprofessionals seem to be more effective than professionals in working with certain clients and communities or at the very least they are seen as adding a valuable dimension to social service provision .
9 It is also the place for those who want to soak up the sun on their hotel terraces or at the Lido , a huge pool so close to the sea that waves frequently wash into it .
10 He recognises that the ‘ shift ’ from memory to written record involves changes in conventions for which social explanations have to be offered , rather than a change in ‘ cognitive ’ processes or at the radical , absolute level that Goody implies .
11 The performance starts at 8pm and tickets at £2.50 and £1.50 for children and senior citizens are on sale from choir members or at the door .
12 A glance at the newspapers or at the television programme schedules provides a clear indication of this enormous interest in crime , both ‘ real life ’ crime and fictional crime .
13 Bands of stripes can be used above cuff welts or at the neck edge of a garment .
14 Some companies offer to do the training either on their own premises or at the client site .
15 It should be noted that even in dry weather where the ambient humidity is low , the microclimate in faeces or at the soil surface may be sufficiently humid to permit continuing larval development .
16 Why is it that we can look at organizations which we ourselves have worked in for most of our lives , where we have complained bitterly , where over drinks with our colleagues or at the Christmas pantomime or some other time we have given vent to our irritation at these bad organizational and behavioural characteristics ; and yet when we reach high positions in companies we consider them to be something which is beyond our capability to influence ?
17 In summer the headland would vibrate with a gentle rhythmic humming which , on stormy nights or at the spring tides would rise to an angry moan .
18 It faced certain doom either at the polls or at the hands of the National Union of Mineworkers .
19 They have no place in the future either ( except at the bottom in the dirty , dead end jobs or at the back of the lengthening dole queues ) .
20 Nearer to Christmas time they are supplemented by college and older school students , some of whom already work in the store on late night shopping evenings or at the weekend .
21 The basic question is this : is information represented in the brain at the level of individual cells or at the level of groups of cells ?
22 In the past , testing was directed at proteins made by cells or at the structures of cells .
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