Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What the styles had in common was a number of letter forms .
2 Had we our Annuall Parliaments Settled , the Negative Voice Restrained , a Committee of Lords and Commons to be the Privy-Council , no Officers of the King to serve in Parliament , the Revenue Appropriated , all Eminent Offices had upon good Behaviour and Election of Members to Parliament secured , the Work might have deserved a better Character " .
3 If the animals had in any proper sense rights , we should no more be entitled to put them to death without a fair trial … than to torture them for our amusement .
4 ‘ The boy and girl are with you , ’ the Trapper repeated like a man slow of thought , to whom the words had at last revealed their significance .
5 Moreover the number of universities in Joseph 's dominions had by 1790 been reduced to a mere three ( Vienna , Louvain and Pest ) and these had been forced to concentrate on such useful subjects as medicine and law and virtually to end the teaching of luxury ones such as foreign languages .
6 Ideas and information were exchanged , and an attempt was made to map out in very general terms what the two nations had in common in the Middle East .
7 The fortunes of the coffee and tea industries have already been discussed above , and it uncertain whether Kandyans in coffee districts had by 1900 recovered the standard of living which they had attained in the early 1870s .
8 Feminist sociologists ' arguments showed that ideas of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ which had been taken for granted as natural were in fact social in origin : these roles had to learned by young people .
9 A distinguished philosopher , much admired in the profession , became a celebrity overnight when he wrote in a Sunday paper that what all the varied responses had in common was the forlorn belief that somehow , through talk or action , the decisive event would be warded off .
10 ( The Financial Times of June 21 noted that these countries had in any case serviced only about 5 per cent of these debts in 1989/90 . )
11 Strange , Gina thought , how much their two countries had in common and how little she had realised that element of kinship before .
12 The one thing all these Yugoslavs had in common was their fierce opposition to and fear of Tito 's partisans .
13 This motley bunch of adventurers , undesirables and patriots had by 1921 accepted the general lead of Lord Salisbury .
14 The Commission published a report on competition policy on June 24 , 1991 , in which it said that the number of intra-EC mergers among larger companies had in 1990 for the first time exceeded that of purely national mergers .
15 The rhynchosaurs had by that time became extinct .
16 By the accession of Philip VI of Valois , therefore , the old Angevin and Lusignan fiefs had at last been absorbed by the French crown .
17 What these various movements had in common was that they provoked confrontations , first in the [ United States and then to a lesser extent in Britain , which highlighted features of law and its enforcement that made academic , positivist criminology look ; extremely complacent and conservative .
18 But what , in particular , these movements had in common was an evolutionary or organicist method .
19 Expectations had at one time run high , but a parallel case of offence by weakness emerged from the accounts of the home .
20 The CML disputed that lenders had in recent years relied on the availability of cover under the Compensation and Indemnity Funds to relax their own business practices , and claimed that lenders were largely responding to public demands for more streamlined conveyancing procedures .
21 During wartime and the postwar era of government price control , electricity undertakings had in many cases been prevented from raising domestic tariffs to meet increased costs , and had drawn instead on their reserves and on the automatic increases paid by larger ( mainly industrial ) consumers under the coal-cost increase clause of their special tariffs .
22 A PDKI official said Iranian planes had on several previous occasions attacked the building housing its political bureau .
23 Against the $9.5 billion of deposit liabilities outstanding at the end of 1985 , the banks had at that time only about $1.5 billion of assets in the form of dinar credits .
24 It may be right to guess that Athens ' ambitious foreign policy of this period , which includes diplomacy with a non-Greek town far in the interior of Sicily ( ML 37 = Fornara 81 , an alliance with Segesta in 457 ) , was forced on her by the need to seek alternative supplies of corn , because her usual overseas sources had for some reason become precarious .
25 There was no fierce detestation of it such as loyalist unionists had for Faulknerite unionists or Sinn Féin republicans for SDLP republicans .
26 In that case the appellant rendering company and their predecessors had for many years carried on various offensive trades , namely blood boiling , bone boiling , fat extracting , fat melting , tallow melting and tripe boiling , without concealment , to the knowledge of the local authority and under the control of their inspectors .
27 One thing all the armies had in common was a careful explanation of their presence , a specific mandate set out in such complex detail that officials of the Lebanese Foreign Ministry were sometimes still trying to decipher its true meaning when the army in question was retreating out of Lebanon .
28 The red-brown tentacles of London 's suburbs had at last been shaken off , and the chequered autumn landscape , multi-textured as a cloth collage , unrolled before them in a changing pattern of brown , green and gold , leading them on to Cambridge .
29 By the end of the century things had at last begun to change : in 1899 Primitive Methodists agreed a minimum of £100 while Congregationalists and Baptists set aside part of their Twentieth Century Funds for salaries .
30 All the items had in common was dust .
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