Example sentences of "[noun pl] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the most dangerous players in the world today are those athletic and financially secure ones who calculate risks with the astuteness of a bank manager , but go for the first prize , if possible , and the subsequent contracts , knowing that if the high-flying fairway wood does n't clear a ditch at Augusta , they can still enjoy a steak dinner tonight , thanks to a pitch and single putt !
2 The market discounted the fact that most of the military policy-makers doubted the practicability of reverting to the British tradition of voluntary regular service without taking undue risks with the country 's security .
3 Drink , on-field violence , erratic behaviour , public notoriety , breaches of the peace , disputes with management , broken curfews , acrimonious transfers , divorce , headlines , bankruptcy and skirmishes with the law were to become the unofficial milestones which marked Scottish football 's ascent into the realm of creative corruption .
4 The combination of such characteristics with the operation of local multiplier effects will , it is argued , generate the self-reinforcing growth spiral , further improving the position of the initially advantaged region .
5 The Shelter hopes that this attractive rate ( a result of some hard bargaining with underwriters Lloyds ! ) will encourage more people to register their pets with the scheme .
6 I like those stands with the marble tops .
7 I made my way up to the lobby with those final two words of hers ringing around inside my head , and all sorts of other doctor phrases started to enter my mind — people calling me Doctor Streeter , popular songs with the word doctor in them — and then all of a sudden I started to cry .
8 ‘ I had the hit record , the duet with Sarah , but I actually did all the songs with the orchestra , pretty well the whole Phantom role .
9 ‘ It 's the only possible place to live , ’ Felix said , putting on a record of North Vietnamese songs with the volume up very loud .
10 This has provided coca growers with the training and tools needed to switch from coca to tea , bananas and livestock .
11 Cut away the waste wood around the ears with the coping saw , and use the 1in shallow gouge to further shape them and the nostrils so that they angle back at each side .
12 Use combinations with the microwave and This is my one
13 I think bi-focals with the half brim bits
14 Thus , one of the arts of banking is to balance the potential cash requirements of depositors with the bank 's desire to hold a spectrum of profit-earning assets , some of which may be relatively illiquid .
15 For instance the Geistliche und Weltliche teutsche Geseng ( Wittenberg , 1566 ) of Johann Walter 's successor as Dresden Court Kapellmeister , the Liègeois Mattheus Le Maistre ( C. 1505–1577 ) , include both simple settings with the hymn-melody in the highest part and elaborate canonic ones in the Netherland tradition .
16 So it was more convenient to raise the body up off the ground and sprint for short lengths on the rear legs with the tail , now much thicker and longer , acting as a counter-weight .
17 He also injured Thomas 's common-law wife when he hit her in the legs with the stick , Teesside magistrates heard .
18 We 're real demons with the goal we are
19 The Nativity , with Mary and Joseph bowing over a sleeping child ; Christ 's walk through Limbo , driving away black-faced demons with the power of his golden eye .
20 while whe you mean at line 25 overlaps with the turn of her brother L , to whom it is addressed .
21 her cramps with the coil ,
22 What the textbook can summarise in a page of results — life is cellular , cells have water and carbon , cells divide to multiply — our methods with the child 's own work , with his own hands , with his own microscope and his own laboured arithmetic may take six weeks of classroom effort .
23 Techniques analogous to those used in the study of the brain have been applied to these systems and it can be quite instructive to compare the way in which people have approached these non-neural systems with these methods with the way they go about studying the central nervous system .
24 With determination and foresight , he transformed the ailing estate , choosing men who knew their jobs intimately , combining traditional methods with the introduction of new ideas .
25 Neff has been steadily building up its reputation for fine cookers and electrical appliances since the company revolutionised cooking methods with the introduction of its ‘ Circotherm ’ oven in the 1970s .
26 It was actually made by the Fender custom shop and it 's very similar to the Eric Clapton model ; Lace Sensors with the mid-boost which I can switch on and off and adjust .
27 Its main proposals were ( i ) a 20 per cent reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide by the year 2000 , with a 40 per cent cut by 2010 ; ( ii ) a ban on offshore oil drilling in state waters ; ( iii ) a halt to logging in the ancient redwood forests ; ( iv ) a requirement that a new tree be planted for every 500 square feet of development ; and ( v ) a ban on all pesticides with the potential to cause cancer or to damage a developing foetus .
28 Understandably , governments have difficulty reconciling their macro-policies towards foreigners with the need for discriminatory policies among sectors , and still more with the specific bargains they may be tempted to make with particular firms .
29 However , despite the best efforts of the BBC and other giant mass publishing houses to clog the best-seller lists with the epitome of semi-literate publishing , literacy keeps breaking through in the most unlikely places , and nearly always from American rather than British programmes .
30 Compare these potential losses with the fall due to the recession , estimated by the Henley Centre for Forecasting at 9% in 1990 and a further 6% in 1991 but for the national press at 11% in 1990 and a further 12% in 1991 ( Media Week 8.7.91 — and the recession will be coming to an end by the time any tobacco advertising ban is introduced .
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