Example sentences of "[noun pl] for a time " in BNC.

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1 Frustrations will cloud your horizons for a time but you will shake them off and emerge well pleased with your efforts .
2 Finally it is stored in casks for a time which varies according to the final requirements , since pale and bitter ales take longer to mature than mild ales .
3 The bitterness of war put an end to the beautifying of houses for a time .
4 Data General , which offered NeXT workstations for use with its AViiON servers for a time , says it is working with NeXT to make NeXTstep available on its line of Dasher II 486 personal computers .
5 Throughout her reign , and particularly in its first decade or so , noble factions and the struggles between them did much to restrict her freedom of action : in 1772–73 the conflict at court between the rival Panin and Orlov parties for a time deprived her almost completely of any such freedom .
6 ‘ Let's keep our presents for a time .
7 ‘ Let's keep our presents for a time . ’
8 For this reason Simons argues that self-evaluation should be isolated from accountability demands for a time , although she also believes that school self-evaluation could provide the most positive form of accountability procedure in the long term .
9 These will be heavy in some western areas at first , then spread to other central and southern areas for a time .
10 My father made me attend evening lectures for a time on sound , light , and heat — with no effect . ’
11 A title for Jim Molyneaux has been speculated upon — it will fall in his lap whenever he wants to retire — but certainly the Government is not likely to offend unionist sensibilities for a time at least .
12 The Dalrymples of Stair , with the backing of the Duke of Argyll , were contesting Galloway 's control of this district , and the misconduct of the local customs officials for a time appeared to offer the Argyll interest an unusual opportunity to make a political breakthrough in the south-west .
13 Not tonight , because travelling always distorts one 's feelings for a time , but at your leisure , when you feel settled .
14 We are clearly past the worst of the unemployment increases , but we are likely to see some erratic figures for a time . ’
15 When all become bureaucrats for a time , no bureaucracy can develop .
16 The marines chatted with the vigilantees for a time and exchanged cigarettes with them .
17 ‘ Just give her liquids for a time , ’ he said and dropped his professional air .
18 I had Mr Harris , the vet , out to him once or twice , and he gave him tablets which worked miracles for a time .
19 Elected in 1978 , it is hardly surprising that John Paul should see his task as the re-establishment of order and confidence on pretty traditional lines , though his charismatic personality shown forth throughout the world in an unending series of exciting international tours for a time almost concealed what was going on .
20 He sat back , studying the two men for a time , unhappy that he had not been privy to their conversations before and after this important meeting .
21 A second rapper causes batted eyelids for a time , and the addition of a second guitar during an encore of ‘ Go Wild ’ suddenly give the sound the extra bite it 's been missing all night , but if 25th Of May are going to appeal on musical merit as a vehicle for their politics , they 'll have to update their sound , experiment and hit harder than this .
22 Only a few places , like the Pool of Virkie at the south end of Shetland , attract waders for a time on migration , and most of them move on to richer pastures for the water .
23 The blast also brought down telephone lines , cutting off the town 's communications network , including emergency services for a time .
24 Ken took Apricot with him on gigs for a time and quite enjoyed it , but found getting her to school and organizing her clothes and meals onerous .
25 So I went and lived in public libraries and all-night cafés for a time .
26 The 1970s saw a brief vogue of denying the referentiality of language , when the jargon of la nouvelle critique was earnestly borrowed from Paris by advanced spirits , and novels for a time were called texts and denied social significance .
27 Hopes for a time were raised so high .
28 General situation : Some central and southeastern parts of England will start cloudy with outbreaks of thundery rain , but will become brighter with some sunny spells for a time later .
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